Even More Confessions

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[Anthony's PoV]

We were all meeting at Eddie's house tonight to talk about upcoming plans to ruin Steven and Kevin's day. While walking there by myself, I was thinking about what Kevin or Steven's dad said to us. 

"For all you know, your best friend may be gay and like you and you may not even know it." His voice flashbacked in my head. What did he mean by that? I mean, yeah all the guys are my best friends but, I've come to think of a certain someone as maybe, just maybe, a little bit more. 

"Wait a minute, I'm not gay. The guys would hate me for it and kick me out of their group." I mumbled to myself. But, I had to think. Do I really like Ze? Should I maybe try to talk to him and confess my feelings? Yeah, I should. The worst that could happen is that I confess my feelings and he rejects me and then tells everyone else and they kick me out of the group. Maybe I can sit with Kevin and the other Steven at lunch if it came down to it.

I walked inside since Eddie and his parents have an open door policy.

"We're downstairs Ant!" I heard Ze's voice shout. I need to get him alone and talk to him. I went downstairs to see everyone playing Super Smash Brothers on Eddie Wii U.

"Hey Anthony, what took so long?" He asked.

"Homework. A lot of it." I simply replied and grabbed the last controller and sat down as they finished up their match. We played a few different matches when Eddie's mom called us up for dinner. Aleks and Eddie raced up the stairs while Ze and I sat back. Since Eddie's mom cooked, we knew we couldn't eat it or else it won't agree with us. The food is good and all but it's not where we put the food that it struggles through but Aleks can handle it and so can Eddie.

"So, you wanna play a few more rounds then or what?" Ze asked.

"Actually, I need to talk to you about something, if you don't mind." I said.

"Sure buddy. What's up? You can always talk to Ze master. Get it?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and started.

"Well, you know how our groups kinda makes fun of Kevin and the other Steven because we say they are gay when I know that they are not?" I asked.

"I'm with you so far." He said.

"Well, while walking here, I was thinking about what the guy said to us, saying something like your best friend may be gay a like you but you may not know it. Well, I put that into thought and I'm just gonna come out and say it but, I like you Ze. A lot. More than a friend. I love you Ze." I said. He sat there, quietly. He slowly removed his hand from my shoulder and looked away.

"Ze?" I asked.

"It may not be my house but get out. Get out of my face. I don't want to see your gay face again." He said. I knew it. I stood up, grabbed my things and left without another word. It's fine, I kinda never really liked them anyway. They were always picking on the younger kids. I ran home and went straight to my room without another word. Looks like I'll be sitting at "The Loser Table" tomorrow at lunch. That night, I cried myself to sleep.

And there's a short little chapter for yall. I hope you all enjoyed and pleae make sure to hit the like/vote button for this chapter as well as leave a comment and follow me if you're new.

Also, I'm gonna start plugging this again but I do have a Youtube account where I make Minecraft videos. I'm not very active right now but this coming summer, I have a lot of stuff planned so if you want to be early and be patient with me, I do suggest you check out my Youtube channel and subscribe to that as well. It's bikergal12! 

Anyway, that's all my rambling for today, again please make sure to at least like/vote on this chapter and I'll see you all next time! BYE!! :D

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