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After she had gotten all the teasing out of her system and thoroughly dried off with Nishikata she considered the situation.

"Hey, Nishikata? Mind if I borrow some clothes?" she asked, reaching into her bag.

"Ehhhh? You don't have your PE shirt?" replied Nishikata, eyes widening slightly.

"Well, I just checked and remembered that I left my clothes at school." Takagi stopped ruffling around in her bag and looked up at Nishikata.

"I mean, yeah I'll get you some clothes, but they might not fit you". He thought about Takagi in an oversized sweater. She would look so cu-. Woah. This is Takagi-san, Nishikata. Relax.

"It doesn't matter to me, it would definitely be better instead of being drenched. And besides, it looks like you're having a hard time deciding where to look" she smirked.

'Holy crap, she noticed me looking at her clothes' he blushed, averting his gaze to the side.

"AH-AHAHAHAHAH" Takagi doubled over laughing, wiping tears away from her eyes. "I love your reactions Nishikata."

'Grrrrr. Fine. You want war Takagi-san? War is what you'll get'

After a brief flash of ideas, Nishikata set his plan into motion. What he didn't know was the repercussions of his actions.

Following his idea, his expression changed to one of a tactical soldier.

Takagi peeked at his face, what could he possibly be planning now?


'His room's changed since the last time I've been here. It's...tidy. Did he know I was coming?'

"Ahh, sorry about the wait Takagi-san. This might be a little big but here you go." he handed her grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and his favorite hoodie, which coincidentally was big on him as it was.

She turned to look at him, "I'm gonna change into this. Give me a minute? Unless you wanted to stay and watch?"

His face lit up red and his mouth curled, "WHATTTT? No! It's not like that!" He ran out of the room closing the door behind him.

As he locked the door he could Takagi's laughs. Ohhhh how he despised her winning, but just she wait. Anyyyyyyy minute now she would realize the clothes on her were in fact, way too big!

His back braced against the wall, he sat down and waited for her to be done changing. He heard shuffling for a couple minutes. Expecting a yell of anguish, he waited in anticipation. But all he was met with was the door opening. Out stepped Takagi-San.

The sweatpants he gave her fit her perfectly. They came right down to her ankles and were slightly baggy. The t-shirt he couldn't tell, partly because of the massive sweater on her. It draped over her delicate arms making her look like a small child. When she put her hands to the side, her fingers barley reached the edge of the cloth.

Nishikata stopped, and froze like a dear in headlights. 3...2...1...

He bursted our laughing, clutching his sides and wiping away tears. He struggled to breathe through his laughter.

"Ne Nishikata, is it that bad?" Takagi looked towards him with a perplexed stare.

Nishikata struggled to speak through his wheezes. "No Takagi it just looks a little...big." He bursted out into a fit of laughter once more. When he managed to get his giggles into check, he subtly slipped in a sentence he would later regret.

"Besides Takagi-San. They look cute on you" he wiped away tears of laughter not realizing the weight of the previous statement.

It was only when he stopped laughing did he look up and find his mistake, or blessing in disguise.

For the first time in his entire life he had saw Takagi blush. Her mouth was open and she stared intently at him. And that's when he realized what he said.

He stopped dead in his tracks. "I mean, i-i-its not li-"

Takagi perked up out of her blush, "So you think I'm cute Nishikata?" she smirked, closing the gap between their faces.

At this point you could have put a tomato up to Nishikata's face, and the resemblance would be uncanny. Sputtering words and blushing like a madman he looked up into her eyes.

Deep brown pools of honey. A stary night sky. A future of him and her together was what he saw.

At that moment he didn't know what came over him. Maybe god decided to sweep some confidence into him. If that was the case, god just tipped the whole bucket.

"No." He muttered in response to her question.

Slightly taken aback by his response, she internally frowned. Had she pushed him beyond his limits into a territory where he didn't like her? She hadn't showed it externally, but on the inside at that moment she felt horrible.

"No Takagi-san. I don't think you're cute."

"I think you're beautiful." he muttered, looking into her eyes and still blushing.

And here she thought she was the one teasing.

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