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Joe's POV

" And you're gay " I say to Colby.

We're currently insulting each other.

Why? You ask.

Well no reason.

Absolutely no reason at all.

" And you suck dick " he says to me.

" You got your nudes leaked "

" But how's it feel to suck dick? "

" Say something else " I say laughing.

" You suck dickkkk " he sings.

I roll my eyes and pick him up then set him on my lap.

He leans down and puts his face in my neck.

" You're clingy " I tell him.

" So are you " he says laughing.

I shrug because that's true.

" I'm so fucking tired " he groans.

He rolls off me then snuggles against me.

" I'm taking a nap " he tells me.

I smile and wrap my arms around him.

" I love you " he mumbles.

" I love you too "

Jon's POV

I look behind up and see Colby laying on Joe's lap.

I smile.

We're at a restaurant before we pick Joelle and Senrina up.

Basically they're just going back and forth at each other's houses.

" Why you looking at us like that? " Joe ask me taking a fry off his plate.

He didn't necessarily want to eat.

" I'm just proud of Colby " I tell him.

I remember when Colby would be terrified to sit remotely close to Joe at public places.

" Most people are gay nowadays so " Colby says with a shrug.

" I'm extremely tired " Colby says yawning.

" You literally took like twelve naps today " Joe tells him.

Colby brings his hand up in front of Joe's face then slowly flips him off.

Me and Renee laugh.

" I'm hurt, so very very hurt " Joe jokes.

Colby sits up and kisses him.

" Is he on crack? " Renee ask since they NEVER do that in public.

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