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Joe's POV
3 years later

" Nicolette please put some pants on we have to go! " Jon begs his daughter.

Me and Randy laugh as she sticks her tongue out at him.

She's a handful
She's three now
We are on our way to her birthday party

Me and Randy are close friends now
Nick's death brought us closer.

" Nicolette Amber! " Jon raises his voice

" Ooo daddy middle named you. You better go put them pants on " I warn her.

Jon's a great dad.
He just gets stressed easier now.

" Weeee! " Nicolette says as Colby scoops her up in the air and brings her upstairs.

" Colby really loves that kid " Randy chuckles.

" She does too " Jon laughs.

" Help me with this " Jon says about the cooler. It has a bunch of pop in it.

He broke his arm in a match last week.

I get up and pick it up and put it in the car.

" Be careful! " I hear Colby say.

I look and see Nicolette running down the stairs.

Randy laughs as we all get in the car.

" Daddy I'm hungry! "

" You can eat when we get there baby " Jon tells her as we drive.

I grab my phone and start typing.

" Doesn't that make it harder for you? " Randy ask me

I shrug.
I text Nick's phone everyday about what I'm doing.

" Whatever works for him " Colby says once Randy gives him a look.

At the party

" Careful " Jon warns Nicolette as she runs up to Renee hugging her.

Renee's pregnant.
She's having a boy this time.

" Hi dad! " Joelle yells

I smile and wave.
She's about to be eighteen.
My grown up baby.

" Hi Joe! " Summer yells.

Summer is Joelle girlfriend.
Yes no more Senrina.

" I can't believe she's almost eighteen " Colby says as he waves to them.

" Me either " I tell him.
" She was like ten just yesterday " He says.

" Ok don't get emotional " I tell him with a chuckle.

" He can't help it " Randy laughs.

" Exactly " Colby says.

" Hi! " Birdie waves at me.

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