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Nick's POV

I open the door to Joelle treehouse because Joe told me to go get her.

" Oh shit! " Joelle yells as my mouth drops open and I immediately close the door.

I gag and run back into the house and quickly into the first bathroom I find.

" What's wrong? " a concerned Joe ask as he walks to to door.

" I- their- I " I stutter grossed out at what I saw.

" What? " Joe ask confused and concerned.

" Are they fucking? " I hear Colby ask with a laugh.

I nod my head and puke in the toilet.

Jon and Colby start laughing their asses off.

Joe cringes and storms off to his room.

" That's so funny " Colby laughs.

" I think your husband is mad " Renee informs Colby.

Colby continues laughing as he walks in his room.

" That was disgusting " I say flushing the toilet.

Joe's POV

" Are you mad? " Colby ask me crawling into bed.

I shrug as I pet Savior.

" She's like fifteen Joe she's going to do that stuff " he informs me.

" She shouldn't " I mumble.

" You literally were fucking people at like eleven "

" And? " I ask not seeing why that's important.

" Ok you aren't mad that she's having sex you're mad that she's growing up "

I scoff and roll my eyes.

" You know it's true " he tells me and I feel him looking at me.

Lightning hops on the bed and Colby coos.

I sigh and turn my head so I'm looking at him.

Lightning kisses me making Colby laugh because I don't like that.

" He's trying to make you feel better " Colby tells me.

I smile and pet the puppy.

Savior starts scratching at the closet door. He still sleeps in there.

Colby gets up and opens it for him then sits back on the bed.

" She's going to grow up Joe " Colby says after some silence.

I just hum as I pet lightning.

" Think about it like this. She's going to grow following in your footsteps and being successful and happy and you get to watch that happen "

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