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i compiled a list of all the positive character traits i could find! i hope this comes useful in creating your character (remember to always balance them out with flaws!) or identify what attributes your character has! it also might be interesting to see what traits you identify with (i know a lot of my characters have exaggerated traits i either value or see in myself).

also, remember that it's great when attributes are turned into flaws! eg. your character's loyalty may put them in unnecessary danger (eg. ned stark, jon snow); your character's kindness and mercy may be their downfall. something that a person upholds as a positive trait is always great to have turned on them.

traits are characteristics or distinguishing qualities belonging to a person that are formed by a person's behaviour, personal beliefs, and attitude towards others. everyone has good and bad character traits. traits are formed by genetics, environment, how you are raised, quality of life, milestones and significant moments, friends and family (those you surround yourself with), and trauma. 

accessible   ━   friendly and easy to talk to. approachable .

adaptable   ━   able to adjust to new conditions .

adventurous   ━   willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences .

affable   ━   friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. pleasant .

affectionate   ━   readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness. loving, caring .

agreeable   ━   quite enjoyable and pleasurable. pleasant .

ambitious   ━   having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed. determined .

amicable   ━   characterized by friendliness and absence of discord. friendly, good-natured .

amusing   ━   one who causes laughter and provides entertainment; humorous .

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