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" Does the sun promise to shine?
No, but it will
even behind the darkest clouds it will––
and no promise
will it make to shine longer or brighter
for that is its fate
to burn until it can burn no more––
so, to love you is not my promise
it is my fate
to burn for you
until I can burn no more. "



The Galactic Senate of the Republic rules the fate of the entire galaxy. Its many senators from sectors all over Republic-controlled space decide the outcomes of votes, pleas, the way of life for inhabitants of the Republic.

Democracy is uneasy. It's a rocky trek of monstrous highs and treacherous lows. Agreements and arguments are simultaneous, somehow allowing for a smooth run of government among the many worlds. Dying worlds with pleading senators receive help. Thriving worlds with greedy senators are disgraced. The senate controls the way of life of every being in Republic sectors.

In a sense, senators were celebrities. They were in the public eye, known all over the galaxy, whether it be of good renown or disgrace. The rivalries were known. The alliances were cherished.

For Isoluna Luminaire, her renown was that of both grace and disgrace. Her confidence and strength inspired trillions. Her youth was a spot of great uncertainty. Her opinionated, strong willed stance in the Senate made her a popular figure to love or to hate. She was a child to some, and a shining, bright beacon of hope to others.

Her light was all that was needed to change the entire fate of the galaxy. But in the end, it all came down to him.

An abrasive, unconventional, irrational Jedi padawan by the name of Anakin Skywalker.


cover credit to biebogilinskers !

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