Only the Evil Lurk at Night

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Isoluna Luminaire's Personal Penthouse, Coruscant

Sitting at a cluttered desk in an even more cluttered bedroom, Isoluna Luminaire stared at the holographic loading screen that was to show her the latest news from her home world of Scarif. She'd always kept a close eye on the media, on alert to both truth and fiction. She let herself unwind a bit since her first meeting with her two Jedi guards, changing into a silken pajama set of a buttoned blouse and matching shorts and pulling her hair up messily to keep it out of her face. She scoured through the articles, finding only detailed (mostly false) descriptions of the attempt on her life.

Halfway through her tenth article which was said to be a "firsthand account" of the events that had transpired at the senate building earlier that morning, a loud knock sounded on the metal door that closed off her own private bedroom from the rest of the apartment.

Rubbing away the slight tiredness from her eyes, Luna leaned back in her chair to try and see who could be knocking at her door. "Who is it?" she asked, after seeing that they had not yet opened the door.

"It's Anakin."

A look of confusion flashed itself across Luna's features. Why was the scrawny little padawan knocking on her door, and more importantly, what did he have to say? Of course, she had an idea as to what his sudden appearance was about, but she didn't think he would notice it as fast as he did.

Luna stood from her chair, softly padding over to the door controls. She opened the door for him, and was faced with a much calmer, much more relaxed Anakin Skywalker. He smiled at her.

"What do you need, Anakin?" Luna asked, leaning against the open doorframe. Her room was dimly lit, the only light being from the speeders and buildings streaming through her window and the small lamp she had turned on that stood on her messy desk.

Anakin took a quick glance around the room, finding no dangers, minus quite a few fall hazards. "I was just coming to check on you. Your security feed showed nothing but a dark room," he clarified, nodding to her, "if you want, I can leave. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Luna dropped her head as she smiled, looking back up quickly at the kind young padawan standing in front of her. "No, you're fine," she assured him, standing up fully from her previous leaning position. "Would you like to come in?" Anakin simply nodded and followed her into her bedroom.

Anakin looked around the room, having never seen anything like it. The rooms in the Jedi Temple were bleak and blank, since Jedi weren't allowed to have possessions. They were sterile and boring, while Luna's room was bright and lived-in.

"I'm sincerely sorry for the mess," she laughed, returning to her seat at her desk, "I usually don't have guests." Despite having invited Anakin into her room, Luna's plans for the night hadn't changed. She picked up her reading where she left out, squinting slightly to see the holoprint in clear vision.

Anakin cleared his throat, catching Luna's attention. "I have to ask, why did you cover up the cameras?" He crossed his arms over his chest awaiting her answer.

Luna smiled to herself, glancing over at the padawan learner standing in her room. "Well, I don't quite like the idea of being watched," she spoke first, the smile on her face widening during the silence. "But we also want to catch this assailant, don't we, Master Skywalker?" With the mischievousness laced in her voice, Anakin couldn't help but smile.

"If something were to try and attack you, I can sense everything happening in here," he assured her, but more aptly, he assured himself. "You will be safe, Senator."

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