Arrival on Coruscant

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Outskirts of Coruscanti Orbit, Galactic Republic

The senate building stood tall in the galactic capital of Coruscant. It was a pillar of all the Republic stood for. Fairness, democracy, liberty, and freedom. Inside the stone walls were 1,024 senators over various sectors of Republic-controlled space who fought for their beliefs with tooth and nail. There was the good, there was the bad, and there was the ugly. Various shades of gray that all stood within the spectrum of senatorial politics. Some grays were lighter, some darker, some quite neutral.

A shining star in a constellation of gray was that of Isoluna Luminaire. She was a bright, vibrant yellow in the sea of pale and dark grays. She glowed in every spotlight that was shone her way. She had an air of sophistication and arrogance about her, one that had to be admired. She was youthful, but wise. She was strict, but fair. She was everything a senator aspired to be. She was admired, she was idolized, she was hated, she was loved. She was a celebrity in her own right. The young, brash, incredibly outspoken senator from the outer rim sectors. She was an ally. She was an enemy.

Padmé Amidala could best be described as a blue. She was a light, baby blue, bordering on the line of white. She was bright, but not exactly vibrant. She was noticed, she was admired and loved, but she was not hated. She was disliked, just as every politician is, but Padmé was never loathed. She was a celebrity for her kindness and her ability to make people feel loved. She was an ally to her people, all of which saw her loveliness. She was the young teenage queen turned senator, and it led to much love from both her people and the Republic.

Blues and yellows are complimentary. Two colors that can blend to make a lovely green, or coexist as their own colors together. They go together just as the sun and the oceans, or the sky and the flowers in the valleys. Blues and yellows coexist beautifully and in harmony. Two distinctly different colors that live in the same world, yet are so incredibly complex on their own.

In the senate, blues and yellows clashed.

Isoluna's vibrant yellow fought against Padmé's baby blue harshly. They were kin to a piano's soft melodies coming in contact with a horn's loud and echoing symphonies; beautiful in their own rights, but so different that it was nearly impossible to combine the two smoothly.

Padmé and Isoluna could not be combined.

To be more specific, they were something like magnetic poles. Both Senator Luminaire and Senator Amidala were a north pole. They repelled each other with force, too similar to ever be together.

Of course, the two senators saw this differently.

In Padmé's eyes, Isoluna was immature. She was childish in her politics and policies; a girl far too young to hold a place in the senate. She was too brash, too headstrong to her colleagues. Isoluna was a loose canon, one who could either agree heartily or disagree with thrash and aggression.

In Isoluna's eyes, Padmé was brilliant. She was intelligent, well-versed, and educated. She led her people with a fierceness only a trained eye could see. She was loving, sweet, and truly a light. She was soft-spoken, passionate only about some things. She spoke with vigor and passion about her bills and votes, but when it came to arguing with other senators, Senator Amidala was less than impressive. She was too nice, according to Isoluna.

Both senators, alike in dignity, stood for their shared beliefs, ready to lead their sectors into a new beginning. Both women wanted to change the face of the Republic, to send it into a new light.

Which is why, on this day, both senators made their journeys to the capital world of Coruscant in the early hours of the morning. Padmé from the west, coming from her mid-rim home of Naboo; Isoluna from the east, coming from her outer rim home of Scarif. Both were set to arrive at the same time, having made Isoluna leave her pleasant and warm paradise home mere hours before the sun was to set the previous day.

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