Senate Vol. I

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Senate Building of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant

After the meeting with Palpatine and the Jedi Masters, Isoluna Luminaire was angered to say the least. She'd received the news that she would be under the protection of a Jedi and his padawan (both of which she didn't know), her only confidants (Alisander and Katya) would be sent back home without her, and that she would have to spend an indeterminate amount of time with Senator Padmé Amidala. None of which seemed to be her ideal situation. 

She'd rounded the corner to the passageway that held her office to find Alisander and Katya being escorted through the hallway by Chancellor Palpatine's private guards. Few words were said, goodbyes and love praises thrown about, while Sander and Katya were ushered out of the senate building. There was barely even time for a proper goodbye, and it turned Luna's mood even more sour. 

With her brother and handmaiden both gone, on their way back to her outer-rim home, Luna was in a sense of utter disarray. With the events of the day still fresh on her mind, she decided she needed to get this meeting over with sooner rather than later. 

Her insides were something of a fiery inferno, something like a volcanic eruption in the process. Innocent lives were lost, all because they were sent to protect Luna. An attempt was made on her life, and it was almost successful. The coming days for her were going to be foreign and distorted, being under the watchful eyes of two Jedi she had no previous encounters with. She once again felt like the glass shell in which a multitude of both personalities and emotions fought inside, and she was quite unsure as to how she wasn't shattered yet. 

If there was one thing Luna had, it was perseverance. 

Which is why she took her seat in her pod, alone, representing the Scarifian sector of the Republic. She had a job, and her job was to be a voice for her people. And Luna would rather be damned than let down her people. 

The senate meeting commenced in usual fashion; Palpatine making a grand entrance, thunderous applause from every senator in the building, and then the routine commencement of speeches, declarations, debates, and agreements. Senator Padmé Amidala was up first on the docket, to give a declaration to the delegation of her disapproval of the passage of the MCA. 

The MCA, in Luna's terms, was a private army for the Republic formed for starting wars. She saw the passage of the bill as showing weakness, as starting a conflict that could be peacefully resolved. 

Of course, not everyone felt the same. 

Padmé's pod floated out into the senate floor, and her speech began. "My noble colleagues," her voice was rather small and calm, in usual Padmé fashion, "mere hours ago, an assassination attempt was made against not only my life, but against Senator Luminaire's life as well." 

Luna felt the eyes of the senate on her at that moment, and she wanted nothing more than to sink into her chair, away from the judgmental eyes of her very own colleagues. It was unlike the social butterfly herself to shy away from attention, especially in the senate, but today was different. 

All she wanted was to go home. 

Padmé continued, "One of my bodyguards and six others from my ship were senselessly and ruthlessly killed, along with ten royal guardsman from Scarif." A mumble swept across the senate. Mostly of shock, some in denial, and some with no sense of sorrow for either Senator Amidala or Senator Luminaire. 

"Senator Luminaire and I were the targets." Padmé was oddly passionate in this speech, and it shocked Luna to no end. The senator from Naboo was often soft-spoken and calm in her declarations. This was different. Padmé spoke with a fire in her soul to the delegation, and Luna liked it. 

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