Exhaustion and Utter Devotion

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Isoluna Luminaire's Personal Penthouse, Coruscant


After a night of well-rest, it is assumed that a person, whether they be human or not, would be ready to take on the day ahead. But in the case of Senator Isoluna Luminaire, a night of well-rest meant that many nights of no rest were ahead. She'd awoken early, expecting to find Anakin Skywalker still on the couch with her. To her slight dismay, he was nowhere in sight. He was replaced by Viktor, standing guard by her previously sleeping frame. 

He'd been the one to give Luna the news of what her life would entail in the coming days. He spoke to her about the Jedi Masters' plan to send her, along with Padmé and Anakin, to Naboo and then onto Scarif to hide. Neither senator would be able to see their pleas for deflection of the private army come to a vote in the senate. They would instead be on a ship to a land in order to protect them both from the possibility of assassination. 

Luna was not happy. 

She saw the plan as a sign of weakness. She felt as though she would somehow be letting down her people if she did not fight for the removal of the army. She saw it as running away from a threat instead of facing it head-on. It was unlike her, and she was not a fan of running away from issues. 

Padmé Amidala was less than enthused with the plan. She wanted nothing more than to sit in the senate in order to see the bill either voted down or passed. It was her job. Her job was not to run away from assassins that had targeted both her and Isoluna. She was no coward, and she felt as though she was one if she ran away to Naboo. 

Instead of her taking her seat in the senate, Representative Jar-Jar Binks would take her place. It was not ideal, and it was not anything that Padmé wanted to allow. But at this point, the decision was beyond her, it was beyond Luna, and it was beyond Anakin. It was a decision made by the Masters, and it was an order. 

That didn't mean she had to necessarily be happy about it. 

As Padmé informed Jar-Jar of his newfound responsibilities in the senate, Luna was slowly packing essential items into a suitcase. She had a stern look on her face, one that reflected her mood. Anakin slowly approached the room, letting himself in as the door was opened. 

Luna glanced up at him without moving her head, only her eyes, continuing to pack. "You know, Anakin," she began rather angrily, "this is cowardly." 

Anakin leaned his weight against the doorframe. "With Obi-Wan tasked with finding this bounty hunter, it will not be long until you are back in the senate," he assured, hoping he had found the correct words. He never was gifted with the art of comfort, or that of poetry. The Jedi didn't focus on such things. 

"I didn't almost die yesterday to not be in the senate today," she spoke matter-of-factly, furrowed brows adding to her serious tone. "One of the few times Senator Amidala and I can agree on such a thing, and neither of us will be able to fight for what we believe in. It's ridiculous."

"Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us," Anakin replied, his intentions nothing but good. He was truly trying to somewhat empathize with Isoluna, attempting to say the right things to shift her mood just a bit. 

It was such a shame that Anakin didn't quite know how to empathize. 

Luna suddenly stopped packing her things, turning to face the young Jedi abruptly. She looked angry. "Pride?" she asked violently. "Anakin, I don't believe you quite have a grip on the mechanics of politics quite yet. I suggest you grow up and learn about what I do before you tell me I'm being prideful." 

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