Lucky Strike

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Theed, Naboo; Naberrie Home

As it was becoming more apparent to Isoluna Luminaire, there was an increased tension between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. Maybe it was from the altercation they'd had in audience of the queen, but Luna had other ideas. 

She was very well aware of the way Anakin looked at Padmé when he was under the impression that no one was looking. The twinkle in his eyes every time she looked at him. The way he followed her, as if she was his compass. 

She was also acutely aware of the way Padmé seemed to avoid all of his advances. She would back away from him when she felt they were too close. She would look away any time she met his eyes that were trained on her. It was the way she tried her best to avoid his lame attempts at flirting with her. 

But what Isoluna didn't quite realize was that she was entertaining his behavior towards herself. She'd never met Anakin before, unlike Padmé. Her first interaction with the boy was hours after the first attempt on her life. She'd seen him as a growny Padawan learner, a boy too ahead of himself to realize the present. There was quite obviously a mutual attraction between the two, one that anyone could see. 

Padmé saw it, for one. And she didn't like it one bit. 

"There's my house!" Padmé exclaimed with joy as she spotted an average-looking home along the sidewalk in the capital city. Her pace sped up exponentially, with an eager-looking Anakin behind her. Luna kept her slower pace, examining the lines of apartments on the street. Viktor stayed behind with Luna, the pair of them getting passed by a happy R2-D2.

"Aunt Padmé!" The scream came from two little girls, dressed in nice little evening dresses, running towards Padmé with an alarming amount of speed. 

Padmé grinned and scooped the little girls into her arms. "Ryoo! Pooja!" she exclaimed, happiness practically radiating off of her frame. Anakin uncomfortably smiled, obviously unfamiliar with children such as these. Luna allowed herself to smile at the scene, hoping to receive such a greeting when she would eventually arrive at home. 

"Oh, I am so happy to see the both of you," Padmé told the children, squeezing them tight. Luna and Viktor stood beside Anakin now, having caught up to everyone while Padmé was greeted by her nieces. Padmé turned to her entourage. "This is Anakin," she introduced, pointing to the tall Jedi Padawan. 

"And this is Senator Luminaire," she introduced Luna with a tight lipped smile, earning a smile from the young senator. "Then, there's her friend Viktor," she pointed to the large security guard standing by Luna. 

"Everyone, these are my nieces Ryoo and Pooja," Padmé introduced the two girls, making them shy away from the eyes of strangers. Luna smiled at them, reveling in their innocence and childlike wonder. 

R2 beeped happily, alerting the two children of his presence. "Artoo!" they yelled in unison again, rushing over to the droid, laughing happily. Padmé, Anakin, and Luna let out small chuckles at the girls' behavior before making their way into the home. 

To say that Luna felt uncomfortable would be a massive understatement. She knew her reputation in this home, the home of her biggest political "rival," would be less than pristine. She walked in, head held high, accompanied by Viktor at all times. 

As they walked into the home, they were greeted by a beautiful older woman, a woman older than Padmé at least. She held a large bowl of food, and was speaking over her shoulder to an even older woman, who Luna assumed to be Padmé's mother. Unbeknownst to Luna, Ruwee Naberrie, Padmé's father, had joined the group as they walked into the house. They walked into the dining room, faced with a table full of delicious looking foods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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