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If Nico hadn't gotten to me, I would've been dead meat. Apparently I have a strong demigod scent on me, but way stinkier.

"An ancient smell," as one of the cyclops had described.

The cyclops had charged at me but their arms were sliced off by Nico's Stygian sword.

"And I wondered why you were taking so long," Nico shouted as he charged at the huge cyclops.

He fought the taller one, 15 feet maybe as I barely manage to dodge the other one.

I messed around with the crescent ring I had, knowing that it was my mother's symbol, I prayed it'd help me. Or even better, a sword would randomly pop up in my hand again.
But that didn't happen.

Luckily, I remembered my bow and arrow I was still carrying and tried my best to shoot as I did back at Camp. A few arrows got them but others missed as they moved around ferociously. They roared in pain and anger but it was almost like the arrows were tickling them.

Nico stabbed the ground, a crack opened starting from his sword forward. In a zigzag fashion and the ground shaking with a loud rumbling sound, the two big burly cyclops tried to run but the crack was headed straight for them. Several feet away, I looked and yet I couldn't make out the bottom. It was like it was headed for the Underworld and beyond.

The two cyclops tumbled down, roaring, one held on to the cliff of the crack and Nico cold heartedly shut the crash, crushing the cyclop's body.

I stared, dumbfounded at how powerful Nico was. He caught me looking and shrugged, "What? We don't have much time, who knows what they've done to La Rue and Travis by now."

He grabbed my arm and headed into the door. It would've been better to lock the door when you're trying to be secretive, but perhaps this was a trap afterall?

The place was dark, a long dark hallway with a small orb of light, a doorway.

We headed through it, our eyes adjusting to the light. Standing several meters before us was a FAT. SLIMY. SNEK. Well not exactly but this snake had a woman's body from the waist up.

"Lamia?" Nico muttered.

"Foolish kids, I've been expecting you. Did you really think I was just going to let you by with some dumb baby cyclops?" The half snake lady said, her forky tongue that came between every few words. Her tanned skin and snake like features were clear under bright cieling lights.

"Wait... You are that damn brat! What was the name again? Branda? Bonnie? Bor.... Boris! How dare you come face me again!" She point at me with her sharp, dirty nail. This lady needs a manicure, I smiled to my surprise. The hell Nessa!

"What?" Nico and I both said simultaneously, apparent confusion on our faces.

"What do you mean, what? Are you not that wretched girl? That dog of Artemis?" She continued. As she rambled, her lime green tail wriggled around beside her.

"You have her trusted weapon, Juniper. What are you to her? Is that brat finally dead?" She eagerly asked.

"Boris? What are you talking about? This is the bow and arrow I got from one of Artemis' Hunters."
The only Boris I ever knew was my grandmother. She's long been dead before I was born.

"I see.... Well who cares, it's good that she's gone, too bad I wasn't the one to end her. I may as well pay my respects by killing both of you!"

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