Chapter 428

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"Of course." Lanze asked also not to ask a promise down: "what busy, you say, bag on me."

Bai Qingqing said happily, "help me find a snake."

Then she took out her left foot, pointed to the snake pattern and showed it to lanze. "It's my partner. He seems to have fallen into the sea, just around here."

Lanze is reluctant. He is Bai Qingqing's partner again.

"How many partners do you have on land?" Asked lanze tastefully.

"Just two. If you don't help me, I'll call Jin. " Of course, Bai Qingqing lied to him. She didn't dare to ask Jin.

Lanze, in a hurry, said: "no, I'll help you. What does he look like? There are more snakes in the sea. How long is he? What color and pattern? "

Bai Qingqing breathed a sigh. It's easier than she thought. It's great.

"Probably There are two nests so long and so thick. " Bai Qingqing compared the coarseness with her hands and continued: "red eyes, red hair in human form, by the way, he is a beast with four stripes."

"Four stripes beast?!" Lanze tone has been raised several degrees.

There is only one Mermaid among the four pattern beasts. It is said that there are not many four pattern beasts on the land. One of Bai Qingqing's companions is the four pattern beast.

"Shh, keep it down." Bai Qingqing doesn't give lanze a hard blow on his arm, and makes a clear sound of "pa".

Bai Qingqing takes back her hand.

"I'm sorry."

"No pain." Lanze perfunctory tunnel, heart tangled.

If he finds the snake beast, what should he do to take Bai Qingqing? Can the leader beat him?

However, lanze soon thought that the snakes and beasts were all solitary orcs, and they had a large number of mermaid, so he was relieved.

"OK, I'll go now."


"Well?" Looking back at Bai Qingqing, lanze inadvertently shows a perfect side face, which is really beautiful from which point of view.

Bai Qingqing is almost stunned. The mermaid is really beautiful.

"I'll give you a surprise when you find him." Then tell him where Qin is. As long as you find Curtis, it will be worth it even if you are chased by the whole family.

Bai Qingqing finished with a bowl of soup.

Lanze ask: "cross match?"

"Poof!" The soup in Bai Qingqing's mouth was sprayed back into the bowl, and she kept coughing.

Lanze comes back to follow Bai Qingqing's back. He was totally concerned. After two times, he was distracted by the delicate skin under his palm.

The skin of female is so smooth! It's more slippery than the cloth woven by snow silk algae. Why didn't you hear it?

It must have been deliberately concealed by the matchmaker! I'm afraid too many people are fighting for it.

"Cough!" Bai Qingqing coughed for a long time before it was smooth. She waved her hands in disgust and said, "OK, go ahead, then you will know what it is."

With a smile, lanze rushed out of the barrier and swam up.

Bai Qingqing's goal was achieved. The whole person was refreshed and ate the whole bowl of food.

The cubs can only smell and can't eat. They are hungry. They surround Bai Qingqing with the cry of "meow, meow, meow".

"Darling, mom is going to give it to you." Bai Qingqing dotes on the way, grabs one in one hand, turns her back to the nest and pulls off her skirt.


There are dozens of mermaids in the open deep sea.

Lanze stood in front of them and said, "go to find a snake beast, four stripes. Let me know if you have any news."

Since all the powerful partners have gone ashore, besides the leader Jin, lanze is the most powerful, so he has the appeal to dominate the whole family.

The fish were obedient and immediately spread out.

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