Chapter 430

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"Then ask the leader to agree." Parker stared at lanze, and the ferocity of repression rose again. "She's my partner!"

"I can talk to the leader," said lanze, who was soft at the moment. "I'm not sure if he agrees with me."

Parker just handed out the food.


Back to the family land, lanze went to the seedling area to find the Jin.

Jin stood in the water, staring at a bunch of water plants. The golden hair flowed with the waves, but his eyes were as still as water.

He used to be the most favored male of Qin, the strongest of mermaid, and the most offspring. He was often seen in the seedling area.

Now, it has been ten years since the last batch of seedlings moved away. It's deserted here, but Jin will be dazed here if he has time. It's right to ask him to come here.


Lanze swam behind Jin and told him what Parker wanted.

I didn't hope, but I promised to others. I didn't want to break my promise. After saying that, lanze was ready to go. I didn't expect to hear Jin: "yes."

"What?" Lanze pulled out his ears.

"Tomorrow noon you arrange, don't let the female be robbed."

Lanze this just confirmed what he listened to, answer a sound, absentminded of swim away.

No, Jin is too cold for the females. He asked everyone to understand the female. In fact, he blamed her in his heart.

Also, after all, before so favored, suddenly left, change who will be unbalanced.

Lanze sighed and took a puff and joined the team of snake hunting.

In less than half a day, the task of finding snakes and beasts has progressed.

Lanze received the news and rushed to see it.

In a canyon where the current passes, there is a bottomless abyss in the middle of the canyon. There are tens of meters in the wide area, and only one arm gap is narrow.

If you go down, the abyss is so dark that no Orc can catch any light, and the temperature is very low. Only a little bit of fluorescence moves in the dark, like the firefly at night. It's very beautiful, driving the creatures to approach the light source.

But it's a sweet trap for predators.

Even the mermaid doesn't like to come here. It's gloomy. Besides, this is the mermaid cemetery.

"Why are you here?" Asked lanze, frowning.

A mermaid swam to the top of the abyss and said, "there is a stone stuck there. There is an orc in it, which matches the orc you are looking for."


Lanze also swam past, and immediately felt a chilling chill. The Stone said by the mermaid is still far below, and it is almost hidden in the dark.

Lanze swam over with discomfort and was surprised to see a man in the stone.

"How did the man get into the stone?"

Lanze revolves around the stone. Because the temperature is too low, the surface of the stone is slightly frosted.

"Red hair..." Lanze contrasts one by one, sees the face in the stone, spits out a bunch of bubbles.

"I'm looking for a beast with four stripes. It's alive! This person has become amber, and there is no grain. Let me see. "

The mermaid at the top smelt the words, and then he accosted the tail of the fish, "isn't it? It's too permeable here. I didn't dare to look into it just now. "

"No, keep looking."

Lanze waved away the fish and looked around the stone for several times.

"What is this? I must also use this to cover my body when I die. " Lanze looks at Amber's eyes full of envy. In this transparent stone, it's good to see and not corrupt.

Looking at the bright long hair inside, lanze estimated that it was a mermaid. Unfortunately, it was stuck in the middle of the way, so he reached out and pushed it down.

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