Chapter 477

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"I can't help."

Parker patted Bai Qingqing's back peacefully and said: "it's OK. This gas can only make the female unable to move for a while, and it will be OK in a moment."

"Are you ok?" Asked Bai Qingqing anxiously.

"I'm a male, of course. This toxin doesn't work for me at all. The scorpion's powerful poison is at the tail and mouth. Parker explained.

"This poison gas is only used to deal with females, so as to ensure that females can't escape when they fight with males. After success, they will use it to make females obediently mate."

Bai Qingqing's face became more and more white. She panicked and said, "that's the orc?"

She looked at the body of the scorpion.

So horrible creatures are orcs? No wonder the scorpion didn't look right at her.

"Don't be afraid. We'll go back." Parker was so distressed that he wanted to kiss Bai Qingqing. Bai Qingqing stepped into his arms.

"Wash your face."

Parker raised his hand and wiped his face. His hands were sticky. He hurried to the river to wash them. Then he picked up Bai Qingqing and chestnuts and went back.

"This place is too messy. It smells like a tiger. There's even a wild animal activity. The tiger family is closely guarded. It's also because of stray animals. "

As Parker walked along, he said, "if I don't take you so far, I'll play in the thorn forest."

Bai Qingqing's face was bitter at once, but she didn't dare to come out again.

Can we only operate in that small area of the reserve in the future? Think about it and feel miserable.

There is also a stray animal Curtis at home. Parker walked for a while, and gave Bai Qingqing a preventive injection: "you don't like scorpions. No matter what kind of scorpions, they like to fight females in mating, which is their habit. It can't be changed."

Bai Qingqing: "...Can you stop telling me horror stories?"

"I don't think I have a chance to know the scorpion. Don't worry. Ah, no, I need to rest assured myself. "

Bai Qingqing pasted it on Parker's back. Even if she changed hee mind about the snake beast, she firmly believed that she would never like the scorpion beast.

That rigid body, any part of it will die, OK?

Parker laughed and ran quickly.

As soon as he entered the tribe, a tiger beast smelled the smell of a scorpion on Parker's body and immediately came to ask.

"You also ran into the scorpion?" The talking tiger looked at Bai Qingqing.

Parker said, "I killed one. There are often scorpions here?"

"There is a desert on the top. Scorpions come from there. I don't know how many of them can be killed. When our tribe just settled down here, the patriarch's females were robbed."

The tiger beast was angry and helpless, sighed, and continued: "that was many years ago. Now we are very tight. They dare not come, but they enter the forest to rob females, and they have to pass by us. You have to be careful about taking the females out later. "

"No wonder." Parker muttered, carrying Bai Qingqing back to the tree hole.

Bai Qingqing's body hasn't recovered yet. She lies upright on the hide. Soon Curtis smells the smell and climbs up.

"Where have you been?" Curtis's sharp eyes swept Parker and Bai Qingqing and swam to Bai Qingqing's side. The snake tail rolled up three leopard cubs who were begging for food.

Bai Qingqing's heart was empty. She didn't dare to talk to them. Looking at the leopard cubs, she said, "cubs."

"Ouch ~"

the leopard cubs struggled to get down from the tail of the snake and jumped onto their mother's body one after another.

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