Chapter 550

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At least Curtis's lineage tells him that no male has ever been blessed with this lineage.

Curtis took out a pile of folded and square snake sloughs from the grass under him. Bai Qingqing's eyes also brightened, and clearly wrote "give it to me! Give it to me! "

Curtis first unfolded the dress. As soon as Bai Qingqing reached out, the dress was taken away and replaced by a large rag bra.

Bai Qingqing's face is stiff. "So?"

"You can't wear this one anyway. Take it."

Curtis's generous way.

Bai Qingqing is going to cry. When does this cloth have to be filtered? There is not much water.

"This is what I put on my chest! With this filter salt, you will feel strange when you eat it, right."

Curtis and Parker's faces changed. They both caught the sweet frankincense on their brassieres. They thought it would smell better than other males, and their faces became very smelly.

Curtis finally took out his dress. His expression was so cold that she shivering. He took his clothes and went down the tree hole.

"And water again?" Vincent asked, looking at Bai Qingqing's face.

He was reluctant to get salt.

They saw with their own eyes the sea salt orcs, but it was OK. Those who didn't know it even became angry.

"No, it can't be mixed with water. How can I eat it after it's melted?"

"It's not easy to store even if it's still edible."

"Yes, that's good!"

These are the voices of the orcs who didn't go to the salt. Even those who take part in salt drying have no bottom. What if the lake water mixed with salt can't be dried out?

Bai Qingqing grabbed the salt and saw several impurities at a glance. She said to Vincent, "believe me, the females may not be able to bear these things. Otherwise, let's filter half a barrel first."

Vincent just asked casually. He was absolutely in favor of Bai Qingqing's idea and said, "OK."

Because the container is not enough, Vincent can only filter half a barrel first.

Dig out half of the salt in the salt bucket, then add warm water into it, and the salt will soon dissolve.

The dissolved salt water is no different from that of clear water. Bai Qingqing adds some salt to it. The concentration is higher. It's better to dry it again after filtration.

Curtis's snake slough is cleaned, the collar and sleeve are firmly tied with hide rope, and the loose skirt is stretched on the edge of an empty stone bucket.

When the salt water is poured in, the water is immediately filled in the snake slough, and the speed of the water level falling is almost invisible to the eyes.

But you can hear the sound of "tick by tick" in the stone bucket.

When the water in the snake slough is quiet, a layer of sand, small rotten branches and other debris will fall on the snake slough.

There are not so many impurities in the salt state, so it is clear at a glance after filtration.

Those who firmly opposed the orcs looked at the impurities in the water, calmed down a lot, and did not beg the king of the tiger any more.

Bai Qingqing has a special sense of achievement when she focuses on the water and sees those things stopped.

"I didn't expect so many sundries. It seems that it really needs to be filtered once." Vincent road.

"Well, there should be no filtering at all." Bai Qingqing nodded.

While waiting for the salt water to be filtered, Vincent sent the tiger beast to select several huge stones and build several small salt ponds.

The salt pond is about half a meter high and has an area of tree holes. After a bucket of salt water is filtered, it will be poured into the salt pond and carried to the star grassland where the sunlight can be directly exposed to the sun.

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