Chapter 533

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When approaching the tribe, the poison broke out again. Under the influence of the fragrance of stargrass and flowers, Vincent came in confused and had been sleepy for a long time.

His eyes are full of Bai Qingqing's shadow. She smiles at him not far away. She is as quiet as a flower plant.

He approached carefully, but Bai Qingqing really turned into a slender plant.

No! Those "Qingqing" are fake, not true.

In this way, the toxicity seems to be getting stronger. Vincent even heard the familiar clear voice.

She is calling her name.

Fake! Hallucination!

Vincent's eyes were sharp and he rushed to the sound source.


Bai Qingqing lies down on the ground with a cry, but she still sees Vincent clearly, so she is not afraid.

After opening her mouth, Bai Qingqing was surprised and said: "Vincent? You're back at last! "

White tiger suddenly froze, the round silver eyes pupil quickly narrowed, only reflecting the female's happy face.

Bai Qingqing's shoulder hurt when he was stepped on, but she felt as if she didn't feel it. She touched the tiger's head and said, "what's wrong with you? You're not hurt, are you? "

"Ouch?" Vincent's eyes are strong and clear, but he looks at the female's face under his claws. The tiger's face occupied by scars shows the innocence of a cub.

Molly, who was frightened and stepped back a few steps, saw Vincent stop, relieved and made a tentative voice.


White tiger's body muscles tensed suddenly and looked at Molly.

Another "Bai Qingqing" was seen. Vincent angrily stepped on his body under his claws, and shouted at the "Bai Qingqing" in front of him with a warning low voice.

"Ah!" Molly sat down on the ground with her legs limp. She looked at the white tiger in horror, and climbed back with her hands and feet.

Bai Qingqing frowned and struggled a little, but was immediately stepped on more tightly, and the fingernails of tiger claws fell into the flesh. At first glance, blood beads came out.

"It hurts when you step on it." Bai Qingqing did not dare to struggle. She looked at Vincent.

Among the flowers, the tiger body with white background and black pattern looks like a star grass flower, which is well hidden. It's just that there's a sudden dark purple object that doesn't fit in with the flowers.

Bai Qingqing's eyes widened and her eyes were fixed there.

Is Vincent in love with stargrass? Be quiet and you'll be fine.

So Bai Qingqing did not move, so she stared at Vincent's male symbol.

A drop of crystal liquid flowed from the top of the deep purple object, gathered into a water drop, and fell on the belly for a moment. Bai Qingqing screamed and blocked her throat.

Vincent glared away a "Bai Qingqing", relieved in his heart, looked down, Bai Qingqing was still at his feet, and opened his mouth to roar.

"Ah!" Bai Qingqing's subconscious also called out. She felt that the strength of stepping on her shoulder was heavier, and the bones were all hurt. She could not help but start to earn again.

More blood flowed on the white skin, but the pain was numb.

Bai Qingqing grabs Vincent's front leg and wants to break his foot off.

Smelling the smell of blood, Vincent could not help loosening his feet, and his eyes were still firmly fixed on "baiqingqing".

The prison on his body suddenly loosed. Bai Qingqing quickly moved back and said, "Vincent, you're going to wake up. What's wrong with you?"

White tiger shakes its head.

Can't make it? This illusion is so strong that it can't be dispelled. What's more, he is not willing to attack.

Bai Qingqing thinks it's better to go back first. She gets up and runs back.

When she moved, Vincent's instinct of hunting drove him to fly and step on the ground again.

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