chapter 4 (continued)

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Hailey's pov:
I woke up to see Lenny sitting next to me. I was laying down on my cot. "What the hell happened?" i murmured. "You got robbed," Lenny started. "But Sean and i got worried, so we talked to Dutch about you being gone for so long, so he sent Hosea and Arthur out to go find you." I was fully awake now. "We're all just happy you're safe." Lenny said, as he got up and talked to Dutch about me waking up. I got up and stretched, my limbs were sore and bruised. I walked over to Arthur. "Thanks for helping me," I said quietly. "No problem at all, kid," he said, giving me a small smile. I nodded, and walked over to Hosea, saying the same words. He nodded and smiled and then i decided to do something that, somehow, i never had even thought of doing. I walked over to my sweatshirt, and stuck my hand in the pocket. I found some crumpled up money, a pack of mint chocolate chip flavored gum, and a couple jelly beans. Weird.
word count: 182

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