[05-1] A New Start, with New Resolve

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Beginning sits by herself until she feels a little more ready to face everyone again. She sits until her breath returns to normal, until she feels a bit stronger, inside and out. She doesn't know how long she stays there-- time is so hard to track in this empty world-- but either no one can find her, or no one comes looking. It's peaceful, however long it is.

Looking up at the fog by herself is almost calming. The sky is endless white, rooftops slowly blurred into shadows by the sea of nothingness. If anything, the view is becoming familiar in its own way.

She stands up when she's ready, delighting in how her body doesn't ache. It's a strange thought, one of those feelings like she's stuffed into a skin not her own, but Beginning tries to find comfort in it. Whether she likes it or not, this is her body, and she's going to learn how to be happy in it.

No more fighting, she reminds herself, breathing slow and steady. She's not going to fight it anymore. No matter what, she can do this.

Deciding to take her time, Beginning walks slowly, not bothering to go to the rooftops. Time doesn't matter much here, she thinks, so it should be no problem to just wander around and relax. Until someone finds her, she might as well take some time to herself. It might be sort of nice to just explore the world she's in, even if everything in sight is grey and dead. Beginning twirls a lock of soft, white hair between her fingers, and reminds herself that she most definitely doesn't resemble that description.

The pattern of side streets on her way back is vaguely fascinating; nonsense turns that wind in and out of rotting houses and collapsed storefronts. Eerie, yes, but now that Beginning is focusing on the twists and turns of the smooth stone roads, she doesn't feel quite so uneasy.

By the time she gets back to where some of the others are, she's feeling calmer than ever. She needed the break, Beginning thinks and fights to ignore the way her heart leaps with terror at the sight of the other girls.

Jealousy, Obsession, Selfishness, and Inconsistency are gathered in one of the open squares scattered about the town. Selfishness has her claws around Inconsistency's throat. Inconsistency has two of her hands yanking at Selfishness's hair and horns and the other two clamped around her wrists. Obsession is hovering a couple feet away, nervously scolding the two of them. Jealousy is standing a ways off to the side, pinching the bridge of her nose and looking like she's never been more sick of any of them.

Whatever terror Beginning felt quickly dissolves into something close to exasperation. Already. She's been back for no more than thirty seconds, and she's already stumbled onto what appears to be an attempt at murder. Beginning has to resist the urge to pretend like she doesn't see it and leave.

"Dumb bitch!" Inconsistency shrieks, clawing at Selfishness's wrists. "Get those ugly claws off of me before I break them!"

"You asked for it!" Selfishness growls, tightening her grip around Inconsistency's throat, already drawing thick dribbles of blood from the gray skin. "Don't fuckin' provoke me if you can't take the consequences."

"Girls, please! Let's not do this. Judgement is going to get mad if one of you dies. Let's not make trouble for poor Jealousy here, okay?" Obsession frets, all six arms nervously fidgeting around her, twisting in her hair and half-reaching for the ongoing fight in front of her.

"No, no. Let them kill each other. Please. Saves me trouble later," Jealousy mumbles in response, narrowing every visible eye.

Well, Beginning thinks, swallowing the sick feeling in her throat, now's as good a time as any to see just how brave she can be.

Even shaking so hard she can feel it, Beginning steps forward. Obsession's head whips up as soon as she sees her, face lighting up with adoration. Jealousy gives Beginning a passing glance but also jerks her head around when she sees Beginning approaching the other two.

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