Ominous speech

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That day after evening, Yonaka called everyone to the control room in that facility. As expected, everybody was present in time. The room seemed dim lighted as always. After waiting for a while, the big monitor in front of them suddenly lit up followed by a greeting from Yonaka herself. Laughter had a hunch that things were going to get really ugly.

"Greetings, my fellow assassins! Thank you all for coming here on such a short notice." Yonaka said out loud and started to give a monotonous speech about what they did, what their moral and objective was. Laughter subconsciously listened to her, while she was actually more worried about the person who had been standing beside her during her long speech. That mysterious person was wearing a black hooded cape, covering his whole body. In the dark surroundings, his shiny yellow eyes seemed like those of a monster's. Laughter could not but notice his devilish presence. She could've sworn that it was the first time she saw him. But, something within her was telling her otherwise.

Finally, Yonaka came to the point.
"I'm sure all of you present here, know that one of our most skilled assassins has disobeyed my orders. But, fear not! For she shall be judged."

It struck Laughter. She had known the probable outcome. But, it felt too unreal to her. How did it end up like this?

"This brilliant assassin's name is Mayuko. Let me briefly tell you how she'll be punished. Within her body, there are micro bombs implanted by our skilled doctors."

Then, the person beside her brought out a type of remote containing a single button. Yonaka took it from him and continued,"By the press of this single button, justice will be served!" And she gave off an ominous laughter. It sounded even creepier than how Laughter usually laughed.

"When the bombs detonate, a particular drug will spread throughout her body. It'll make her lose consciousness for a while. But, what comes next is the tastiest part." She explained.

"All of you are excited, aren't you?" She said tilting her head, "So am I!"

And then, all of them could see a familiar figure on the monitor.

"The time has come!" Yonaka said lastly and pressed the button.

Laughter helplessly stood there and did nothing.

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