{Day Seventeen: Gym Leader: Arin}

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So before I get into this I'd just like to give a big thanks to HoneyBiscuts123 . They are making a very great Milo x Reader story called In The Garden and it was the thing that made me inspired to draw this. Y/N battles the Gym leader before Milo and I thought "Huh, I wonder what this gym leader would look like." Based on his personality in the story, I imagined him as cockier, more confident Milo. His hair being a frizzy brownish peach color is what I imagined. I gave him a striped scarf to differentiate from Milo and took away the sun hat. For his shoes I noticed the sort of crown shape on Milo's, so I implemented that while making them different. Now they have laces and are much bigger. I gave him big poofy eyebrows cuz come on, you have to admit they're adorable. Finally I added the freckles, but sprinkled them on other places of his body too! I hope you enjoy this and again, a big thanks to HoneyBiscuts123 for inspiring me to make this picture.

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