{Day TwentyEight: "I wont let him take anything more from you!!!"

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So here's a bit of a change in pace. This took me an hour and seven minutes and it really payed off. I think I've decided that I'm gonna post digital art here too even if traditional art is sorta my main thing most of the time. Anyways this is a depiction of Miinaa's quirk, Phantom. She can control will-o-wisps but like fire, she will burn out if she uses too much. Her hair will become a bitter black color and she will overheat, burning her own skin. The way you can tell if she's right about to burn out is if she's coughing up lots of smoke. (Just a side note she can fly through walls and shiz too. Her quirk is literally called phantom-) but anyways I hope you enjoy this picture! I sure did enjoy making it :33

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