{Day Fiftythree: A Long Overdue Topic}

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Oki doki here I go. This is Miinaa's family first of all (this art is kinda old so my artstyle is a little different here) Second of all, I'm super unoriginal and I made a group for Miinaa similar to the big three called the big scream (SO ORIGINAL I KNOWBFBEBDKAKSSKSKSKSKSKSKKS) DONT judge me ;w;. But anyways in the next parts I'm going to post, I will be showing the characters who are members of The Big Scream. They're all based off of horror characters or just monsters in general because spooky >:3 anyways I hope you enjoy this picture and the ones to come. (Also I was really lazy when I made this picture and that's why it's really sketchy so yeah shh-) Anyways BUH-BYE!!

A Sixteen Year Old's ArtbookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon