Bonus chapter

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Smut warning!!

(This chapter was about katsukis birthday...let's just say that the timeline of this chapter was 2 years in the future)

Midoriyas POV

I was at our condo, cleaning here and there since Kacchan was out at work. I feel like I'm forgetting something important but I just ignored it.

When I was done, I decided to watch TV. It was nice sometimes being in here alone but I can't help to feel so sad without Kacchan. This big and spacious condo that belong to Kacchan.

I was completely bored that I didn't realized I fall asleep at the couch. A loud sound coming from my phone wake me up from my sleep. I groaned as I grab my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said while yawning.

"Midoriya? So do you have any plan for tomorrow?" It was kirishima. What's happening tomorrow.

"What?" I questioned him, since I have no idea what he was talking about.

"Huh?! Its bakugos birthday tomorrow dont tell me you forgot?!"

"W-What?! Of course I have a plan!" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Really? Okay man, just contact us if you need help okay? We'll visit tomorrow. Bye" he hang up.

Kacchan's birthday was tomorrow and I dont have any plan at all. With a big gasped I searched all the ingredients for a cake.

I head outside and bought all the ingredients at the same time I contacted some of our friends to visit.

Some of them are coming, some wasn't available. That was fine.

It took me up until evening before I finished planning and preparing for his birthday because as much as possible I want it to be perfect for him.

A loud noise coming from the door which means kacchan's here. I his all the papers that contains my plan under the sofa and greeted him. I have to make sure that he doesn't realize that I am hiding something from him.

"K-Kacchan! Welcome home!" I said nervously while hugging and kissing him.

"Yeah. What's for dinner?" Ah, shit I forgot to prepare a dinner.

" was about to prepare it. Give me a minute. I was about to run at the kitchen but he grabbed my wrist

" No need. I'll just go to bed." He smiled at before kissing me again. He looked pretty exhausted.

"O-Okay..." Both of us head inside the our room. He took his coat and clothes off leaving only his boxer.

He lay down at the bed and instantly fall asleep.

I touch his cheek. He really need some time off with l the stress at work.

I grabbed his phone and called sakura.

"Good evening sir. What is it?"

"Its me izuku. I need to request you something."

"Izuku! Its been a while. Anyway, what is it?"

"Cancel all of katsukis plan and meetings tomorrow. And tell the board that he was sick."

"Sure sir. I think I already know the reason"

"Thanks, you can visit us tomorrow if you have time."

"Okay I'll try"

I hang up and lay done next to him. Its been a while since we last cuddle to each other since all the time he was home all he did was sleep or eat.

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