Chapter 15

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(Mina! I'm super sorry!! I couldn't update much sooner because my phone was broken and I have to wait for a few days before it was fixed again. Again, super sorry guys.)

Deku's POV

I woke up early to start my day, its my day off and I decided to clean my apartment since its all messy, not that much but I guess I have to clean. Also, one reason that I'm cleaning is because kacchan will be here later at night to hang out. That's why I have to prepare everything.

I'm super busy at cleaning at every spot, even though its not that big. My mind was off and only focusing that I must finish this as soon as possible.

After a few hours, I finally finished cleaning, doing laundry, organizing my collection, all done. I sat on the couch for a moment and realized that I need to take a bath. A hot bath was perfect to soothen the muscles in my body. When I was done, I grabbed my all might t shirt and a shorts then I prepare a Noddles to eat since I'm super hungry, I remembered I didn't eat breakfast earlier but its fine I guess.

I sat on the couch and was about to eat the noddles then I heard a knocked on my door. It couldn't be kacchan since its too early and his work will end later at night. I wonder who it was.

When I opened the door my eyes widen. (Yeah I know, he was gone in most chapters. But here he is now) it was..

"Todoroki kun.."

"Midoriya, its been a while. Are you letting me in?" He showed a small smile on his face.

I remembered correctly, he was always asking me out and kissing me without permission. Jeez, what a pain but even with all of that I still consider him my friend.

"Oh right. Come in" I smiled nervously and gave him a space so he could enter.

He observed my apartment then he sat down on the couch. I went to the kitchen to grabbed him some juice, I don't have much food so the only thing I can offer are some biscuits. Well, I sometimes forgot to do grocery. Maybe I'll do it when he leave later.

"Its a nice place. Are you living alone?"

I placed the biscuits and the juice at the table.

"Yeah. Anyway, how did you find my address?"

"Thanks for snacks. I asked one of your friend, uraraka."

"I-I see. So what brings you here?" I asked as I sat at the couch right next to him.

"First, I was gone for a while since I had a business trip to another country. It was tough but for the sake of the company I'll do anything. Next is I am here to offer you." He was looking directly at my eyes.

"O-Offer me of what?" I asked.

"Live with me, be mine forever. I missed you a lot midoriya, during my trip I kept thinking about you. I grid to contact you but I can't reach you there." Now he was holding both of my hands.

"T-Todoroki know I said this many times to you that I don't have feelings for you. Even if you gave me everything I wanted in life that can be bought by money, I cannot still accept your feelings. I'm sorry, I loved someone else." I smiled and pulled my hands off him.

He's eyes widen but I can see that todoroki kun was different now. He smiled and nodded.

"I understand. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on you, okay? If you need a person or a friend that will listen and help you with anything just call me." He winked and placed a calling number at the table.

I blushed and giggled.

"Thank you for understanding. "

"Can I stay for a while? I don't have any plans for today and its still early so.." He said nervously.

"Sure but no funny business."

"Right. So let's watch some movies"

I chuckled, I let him pick the movies since this might be the first time he was like this.

After watching some movies.

"You're so mean, you know I don't like scary stuff yet you chose it." I pouted and keep punching him lightly.

He just laugh at me and said sorry a few times.

"Oh right I need to get to grocery since I almost ran out of foods.".

"I'll help you with that" he said as he stood up from the couch, fixing his suit and hair.

"W-Well...alright." I think about kacchan for a moment. I'm sure he's not gonna be mad about this.

Both of walked out then I locked the door. I stepped inside his car then both of us went to a nearby mall.

We kept talking about our time at high school, laughing at each others funniest memories back then. It was really fun hanging out with him.

When we arrived, he parked the car and both of us entered the mall. He dragged me inside the department store to look for a few clothes. He's really kind since he bought me a bunch of clothes.

"T-Todoroki kun you don't have to do all this, and played for this! Are you insane?! I have money!"

He just laughed at me.

"I was gone for a while so don't sweat it all. "

"I'm still paying you later"

"Don't, its fine. You always refuse when I'm asking you out so me doing this to you is enough for me."

"F-Fine..." I sighed in defeat.

Few hours later, we finished buying groceries and clothes and bunch more. Its super embarrassing since he paid all of that!

When we arrived back at my place, he helped me carry all th stuff that we bought inside my apartment.

"Todoroki kun! This is too much! You paid everything!"

"Hey calm down. Its fine I don't mind at all." He smiled.

"I promise I'll pay you!" I bowed a few times.

"No no. I can't accept that."


He checked his phone since he received a text to someone.


My phone?! I forgot to charge it! Damn it self how can you be so careless!

"I'll be going now. Thanks for making my day super fun" he smirked while heading out

"Oh its fine. Just visit me sometimes when you're free. See you later!" I said as I closed the door.

I ran and went to my room to charge it. Goodness, its not powering on.

Then a loud knocked on my door startled me. I ran back to the front door and slowly opened it.

A pissed Kacchan, glaring directly at me.

"Deku! You have some fucking nerves to not answer my calls and messages, huh?! Do you want to die now you piece of shit!"

I flinched as I open the door letting him inside.

"What the hell have you been doing all day!" He yelled at me, pinning me at the wall.

"Well I cleaned the house, a-and todoroki kun came and- " I couldn't even finished what I'm saying.

He was glaring at me. I can feel that this is my end.

"What the hell! He was here?! What did you guys do! It was all fine when he's he came back to mess with us"

"Calm down, nothing happened. We just hang out"

He glared at me and pulled away. He went to the kitchen, making some food I guess.

Why do I feel like he's jealous....


Hey guys thanks for reading, give me your honest opinion about this chapter/book. I hope your doing well. Keep safe!

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