Chapter II

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Thus, that was how Arthur Kirkland would find himself bound to a wooden pole amongst members of the crew who were deemed young and strong enough to be of use to the sneering pirates. Arthur was rather lacking in the matter of self-care, his immortality the main seed for the issue, so he lashed out a nearby pirate's ankle, nearly earning him a boot in the face.

He dodged conveniently, which only angered the pirate, as he tried again with the same result. This third time, the pirate decided to try something he thought smarter. Arthur had to suppress a smirk as the pirate kneeled to his level and the hilt of the dagger he had been eyeing since the start drew closer. Arthur edged away from him as much as the thick rope allowed him to, in turn changing the pirate's position strategically so the dagger was within the boy's reach.

Quickly, he grabbed it and just as the pirate grabbed a fist-full of his wheat-colored hair to manage to give him a clean kick, Arthur ignored the pain and cut through the rope with the expertise of experience. He quickly hid the dagger within his trousers pocket, timing it perfectly with when the ropes fell.

Anyone standing facing Arthur stood shell-shocked, those behind him were near laughing stock. Arthur grinned victoriously and slipped away from the room amongst the murmurs of bewilderment. The fresh sea air hit his senses harshly once he stepped out on deck. What to do next? He was confined to the ship's limits. What would one do when trapped on a pirate ship sailing God knows where? Why, kill the Captain of course.

The wild idea crossed Arthur's mind and stayed plastered there. That would, if he recalled correctly, automatically turn him into this ship's new captain. Eyes set on the wooden cabin door in front of him, hand on the hilt of the dagger, and the thought of murder heavy on his mind, he set out to it.

Fate seemed to be taking kindly to him, as the door was ajar just a tad. Enough for Arthur to glance through unseen. Sure enough, the Captain was there, mesmerizing about who knows what, sat on a wooden stool back to him. A sitting duck. Perfect.

He crept in soundlessly, dagger held out in front of him, and with each step he took, death drew closer to the naïve, unknowing Captain. Soon enough, he was right behind him. Arthur put his free, thin hand over the Captain's mouth, then kept the dagger at his throat. The Captain tensed at the sharp touch of the cold metal. Arthur craned his neck, a crazed look in the excitement of the emerald of his eyes, so the Captain could see who delivered his final blow.

 And just like that, with the twitch of a hand, the scarlet was spilt, the eyes remained dead and open, and the now limp body fell with a dull thud. Arthur hurriedly wiped the blood off of the dagger and onto the dead man, then shoved the weapon into a pile of other he saw. He recollected himself just as the door burst open.


Okay, so next chapter's going to be a little different than the usual. Though for my two friends who read it, it was their favorite. Oh well, y'all will see.

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