Chapter VIII

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A pistol shot could be more dangerous than a canon blast if used expertly. This theory could be demonstrated perfectly had immortality not existed within the souls of two certain beings. Time seemed to freeze as the duel amongst the chaos reached the climax.

Bullet struck metal, metal struck metal, metal struck flesh. Knees hit wood. Laughter struck ears. Metal struck flesh once more. The upper hand had shifted sides. There was an obvious one in the ongoing chaos as well. A retreat was issued in the blink of an eye.

The Spaniard had lost, though not without significant damage dealt. Arthur smiled despite the blood gushing from his leg. His first victory as a pirate captain had been granted. He clung to the railing as he walked the lower deck, taking in the damage, eyes sweeping over every corner.

Out of a crew of sixty-five, fourteen were deceased and another twenty injured. There were some spilt gold and jewels scattered here and there, encrusted in scarlet. This meant some of it had been stolen.

Had this really been a victory, or simply a disguised loss?

The thought weighed Arthur's steps further as he instantly yelled an order to tend to the injured and dispose of the dead. The adrenaline was leaking out of him by the gallon, completely gone by the time he had slammed his cabin door shut. Death would never catch up to him, but pain did one time too many. The bastard had struck the artery.

A knock was issued at the door as Arthur struggled to find the bandages. "What?" The blonde hissed, loud enough to be heard. "Sir, I just wanted to inform you of the losses..." Jonathan's uncertain tone carried through the wood. "I'm aware. Where are the bloody bandages?" Arthur snapped as he stared darkly at the highest closet, the only one he hadn't overturned.

"Do you require my assistance, sir?"

"No. Well, perhaps. Not entirely. Oh, just bloody come in." 

The door opened and there was a moment's stillness before the door was gently shut. "Sir, it appears as though your artery has been struck. "And your point may be? A stifled sigh was heard in response. "If you would kindly sit and let me assist freely?" Arthur complied, waiting to see if Jonathan would notice his slight slip-up, but the brunette seemed far too busy tending to the injury with a slightly surprised and thoughtful expression lasting upon his features. He himself had gotten nothing more than a shallow scratch on his hand. Lucky enough, then.

The pain had nearly resided now. The healing process had begun.

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