Chapter VI

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As the ship drew nearer, the visibility limit of the land increased. The land appeared looming to some, but not to Arthur, who's smirk only widened. He was looking forward to the person he knew he would encounter, especially with how the citizens began to crowd on coast upon sighting of the uninvited foreign ship. 

Once distance permitted it, Arthur jumped off with ease onto the warm, soft sand, giving a few individuals a start. In a few moments, a drastic sigh could be heard from behind him. One glance gave the knowledge that Jonathan had climbed down upon Arthur's earlier request for him to accompany the blonde, with the reason of; "Someone needs to refrain me from murdering a certain somebody."

In turn, the two stood on shore, apparently awaiting someone, or something. Within minutes, it appeared to be two people, one of whom locked eyes with Arthur and swore loudly.

*cue me cursing myself for how I wrote this and now I need to include part of the next entry, which is by far the longest*

13th of June, 1499,

The last time I have loved a lady was when I was fifteen. I fear it may have occurred once more now, at twenty two. Yesterday, we have had the pleasure of meeting two intriguing individuals. I have mentioned in my previous entry my first ever Captain. Who else could I hope to encounter in my short time in Prussia but him?

He payed little to heed to me, keeping his attention on Kirkland. The second person was this lovely lady that has stolen my heart by the name of Elizabeta, Hungarian she is, and apparently unhappily married to Captain Phantom. (I do not ship PruHun, I ship PruAus, but here Gilbert and Elizabeta were forced by their bosses to be wed because of an alliance, similar enough to the Austro-Hungarian stuff) A recent development, from what I grasped. 

Most men would likely fall for her gorgeous chestnut locks, or sweet hazel eyes. No, what I admire are her screaming actions. What had happened was a rather heated exchange, that was simply confusing due to the amount of languages it was carried out in, between the two Captain, and then it abruptly ended.

I had taken notice of the fact that Mrs. Elizabeta was growing more enraged by the minute. I had also taken notice of that she carried a frying pan for reasons unknown to me at that moment. Once the former two were finished, she spoke angrily to Arthur in a foreign language (I had just realized I used Kirkland's first name) then hit him square on the side of his head with her frying pan.

It took us three men a few moments to comprehend what had just occured, and oh bloody hell was what followed amusing.


There, that's longer. To be continued!

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