Greenhouse Gases

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Some gases in the Earth's atmosphere are like glass in a greenhouse; they trap heat that comes from the sun and stop it from leaking back into space.
Some of these gases occur naturally, but because of humans, these gases are increasing. Carbon dioxide is responsible for 64% of man-made global warming, methane for 17%, and nitrous oxide for 6%.

Here are some causes for rising emissions

-Burning coal, oil and gas- the burning of these produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, two greenhouse gases.
-Deforestation- Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and lock it away, so when they're cut down, the carbon stored in them is released back into the atmosphere.
-Increasing livestock farming- cows and sheep produce large amounts of methane.

So what little things can YOU do?

-Use as little energy as possible, walk, ride the bike or take the bus more
-Decrease your wood and paper use
-Decrease your meat and diary intake

We'll have an more in-depth chapter about what you can do in the future.

We hope this chapter was helpful and interesting, even if it was short.

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