Introduction of our very first, new admin!

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Hello! My name is Daisy, and my username is DazzieSh

I'm a crazy, geeky British teenager who loves to write and read and is very small. The most important thing to me is helping the environment in any way I possibly can, which is why I'm excited to be an admin for this account.

I've always been aware of climate change, but it was only a year ago that I actually started to care, mostly because I started listening to Greta Thunberg's speeches. I started going on youth strikes with my friends and since then I've started trying to do everything I can to help stop climate change.

I'm not a very confident person and I've always been quite shy but activism has definitely helped me grow as a person and my life has drastically changed in the last year or so. I used to get quite anxious about everything that was going on in the world and feel completely helpless, but taking up relaxing things like yoga has helped me and also just getting involved in every way I can. I've made lots of changes to my life. The main thing was going vegan (I highly recommend it, it's amazing).

I love talking to people about the environment and I love it when I get to meet like minded people, so if anyone just wants to chat, my pm is always open.

And that's about it!


written by DazzieSh

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