❀ 04 『wilted hope』

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『f o u r』

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『f o u r』

I feel like those falling autumn leaves. There's no hope for them to continue living. They'll never rise again.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

SHE WAS BEGINNING TO WILT. (y/n) could no longer face Todoroki Shoto. Just looking at him made her feel like she was drowning. She always left when she saw him near the park, not wanting to release those flowers in front of him.

Seeing the worried glint in Todoroki's eyes before she walked away was starting to give her hope. Hope that this love truly would be okay. Hope that they could be happy. Hope that she could escape her hell if she had him.

Not wanting to go home so soon, (y/n) decided to travel to the seaside cliff. Today, she was alone. But then again wasn't she always? When the sea was dyed with oranges and pinks, (y/n) stared at it in awe. It was one of the most beautiful sights she had ever set her eyes upon.

Other than Todoroki Shoto of course.

A small chuckle escaped her lips when she remembered his panicked expression from when she was here last time.

Maybe he cares about me more than I think? (y/n) smiled at the thought. For the first time in a while, she didn't feel the urge to cough when she thought of him.

When the first star shone in the sky, it twinkled as if telling (y/n) that it was time to go back. The sun soon hid behind the horizon leaving (y/n) in the dark with the whistling wind. Humming to herself, she travelled back home.

Creaking open the front door, she was met with yells.

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

She winced at the loud tone, still not used to it even after all these years.

"Don't tell me you got a boyfriend?! Or were you just playing around?! No one gives a fuck about you anyway!"

That was true.

Very true.

It had always been like that. Since when did anyone care for her? Todoroki was probably just worried because he had no choice. She was covered in bruises so it must have seemed rude to ignore her.

He was probably glad that he didn't have to talk to her anymore.


It's been like that since the start. What was she doing getting her hopes up like that?

A cough.

And then another.

Tears and blood splattered onto the floor along with the icy petals. Except they weren't just petals, they were full roses.

"Tch you got that fucking disease? I told you, you were worthless. Clean that shit up," Her father orders, forcing her to the ground with a kick.

Please just take me away already you shitty Hanahaki disease.

The next day (y/n) didn't go to the park. Nor did she the day after that. A week passed and Todoroki was starting to wonder if something had happened to her.

(y/n) on the other hand, was holed up in her room. The carpet had been stained red with blood and the stench of rotting petals wafted throughout the air. She couldn't remember when she last left the house but she didn't care anymore. Her classmates wouldn't miss her. Todoroki had probably forgotten about her. Gone back to his normal life without (y/n) interrupting it.

She did have one regret though. As selfish as it seemed, she wanted to see him one last time before she left this world. She reminded herself every day that she shouldn't meet him for his sake. But she longed to see him anyway.

Another cough. Feeling her throat being ripped, (y/n) kept coughing until a full rose, stalk, thorns and all joined the pile of old petals.

Is it finally going to end?

She could hear her father's voice calling for her. Leaving her room, she ran down the hallway with the last of her strength.

But she didn't stop there.

She threw open the front door and sprinted down the street. She didn't care about her father's angry cries. She didn't care that she was barefoot and covered in blood. She didn't care about the weird glances she was getting from the public. She wasn't going to just waste away in her father's clutches.

(y/n) wanted to grant herself that selfish wish of hers. That wish to see Todoroki just one more time. She didn't know if she would make it to the park, but she did.

She fell down onto the bench, trying to catch her breath but instead more roses escaped. Continuing to cough up those whole flowers and blood she noticed him not too far away.

He noticed her too and instantly sprinted over. Seeing the horrible state she was in, Todoroki knew that something was terribly wrong.

"Would you be sad if I were to disappear?"

Todoroki cursed himself. He should have stopped her from leaving that day on the cliff. He should've held her in her arms, taking her to safety by force instead of watching her walk away. He should have run after her every day when he saw her leave the park. She was covered in blood, suffering and he felt responsible for not taking action sooner.

If only he knew.

When he approached the fallen girl, she looked so at peace despite the red liquid leaking from her mouth and bruises littered all over her body. Her eyes which were struggling to stay open, looked as if they had been released from all her torture.

She looked so...


And she felt free. Free from the pain. Free from that man. Free from her bleak life.

Through blurred vision, (y/n) saw his panicked face yelling something at her.

Maybe if she had another chance at life she would be lucky this time. Lucky enough to be happy. Lucky enough to have him by her side.

Her lips curved upwards, the pain gone as she closed her eyes.

Only to never open them again.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


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