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As Natsuki looked at Yuri eye to eye. She can't believe that she's right infront of her friend. About to fight her.

"Tear her apart" yelled betty.

Possessed Yuri, started to bring out a purple knife. Slashing it to her. With natsuki doing the best she can do dodge the hits.

Natsuki refusing to fight back

"Yuri this isn't like you. Do me a damn favor and don't try and kill me?!"

Yuri keeps on attacking. Natsuki had a  pink katana where her little cat pet had. She didn't have a choice.

She had to fight back...

So she starting taking a few hits to Yuri. Yuri getting a few cuts. Yuri glared at Natsuki and is ready to go for another attack.

And the fight continues on...


Sayori can't believe it. Their two friends are fighting. She's finding a really great way to get them both to stop. She really doesn't like seeing this at all..

She doesn't wanna bring Monika back. She might regret it...



She remembered something now she had an idea.



"Yuri!!!" Sayori yelled at her

" ...?" Yuri looked at Sayori.keeping both eyes on the two.

"You remember that one thing you told me right?!?!"

Natsuki trapped Yuri in a pink shield

"Sayori what are you up to?"

Sayori exclaims "where you said that you like Natsuki?!"

"....i...what...?" Her mind is very confused now.

"W-what?!" Natsuki looked at Sayori

"If you kills us now. If you kill Natsuki now. You won't be able to see her again!! If you love her so much you wouldn-"

"IM ENDING THIS. IT'S GETTING BORING!!" Betty interrupts. Attacking...but...

"Hehehe..." Sans with both eyes open. Hold her back with blue magic.

"Kid. Don't make this too difficult for me.." He crashes betty against the walls

"Aghh.. You should be dead till bed rested." Betty attacks

Now they're both fighting.

"Yuri...? You like me? Really bitch?" Natsuki looked at her.

" i... " she gets flashbacks of moments in the literature club. In the undertale AU. and more. An explosion then happened.

" i-it w-worked!" Sayori smiles

"Yuri!" Natsuki runs to her

"Oh Crap.." Betty just lost Yuri.


"N-n-n-nat....." That was Yuri's last said word till she collapsed fo the ground. Nat ran her way there to catch her. She felt relieved and concered at the same time.
Sayori rushed in as well.

"Oh God is Yuri ok?!"

"I don't know sayori...i don't know..."

(Author here. Imma just say tha k you for reading. It's not over yet. This is what i've done so far but please wait for more alright? ^^ )

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