Chapter 1

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Rebecca's P.O.V

It's my first day teaching at my new school today, Jefferson High. Oh boy am I nervous! It's one of the highest ranking schools in the area, parents battle each year to get their children a place in the school.
I've spent this last year doing my teacher training, I'm happy to have gotten it out the way so now I can say I'm a fully qualified English teacher! The school I did my training at was ok, however the students there lacked enthusiasm or a drive to learn, so I'm glad to be having a fresh start in a better school.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I powder my nose and apply a touch of mascara to bring out my eyes, with a hint of red lipstick. I decide on a high bun hair style for my first day, I want to give off a professional kind of look. I put on my black jeans, a white shirt and my blue blazer, and finally to finish off a pair of Chelsea boots. "You look good Rebecca. Go and smash it! You got this" I mumble to myself. After trying to hype myself up, I grab my car keys and set off to school. I want to get there early so I can set up everything in my classroom and make sure I'm good to go for the day.

Billie's P.O.V

On the way to school I meet up with my friends Adam, Jack and Katie. We are all in our final year in high school doing our A-Levels. We can't wait to get out of school and go to uni, we're all hoping to go to Cambridge together.

"So Bill, how you feeling about our first day back at school, you excited?" Adam asked. Jack and Katie we're walking ahead of us hand in hand, they got together over summer and have been inseparable ever since. "Yeah Adam I am actually pretty excited. I know it's sad but I kinda enjoy school. My English teacher Mr Jones left last year though so hopefully whoever replaces him is decent enough even though his personality was as dry as a rock he was still a good teacher". Then my brain started to wonder. It'll be strange to leave school, I'm one of these people that gets comfortable and settled in one place with a certain routine, I don't like change that much. But I guess that's part and parcel of growing up I suppose.

The first bell rings, signalling it's time to go to form room. Something we have everyday day at 0845 before classes start at 0900 where they do a nominal role and pass on any important information out to us.
Myself, Adam, Jack and Katie sit at our usual desk in Mrs Samuels form class, she reads out the nominal role and proceeds to hand out our timetables for the year.

I look at the sheet of paper she handed, I know my classes I just need to know where and when. In your final year of A-Levels you only have 3 subjects so it'll be pretty easy to remember. I have English for my first two periods in room B12. We all have a free period after first class today so we agreed to meet in the library to see how everyone's class was before we go to lunch.

The bell rings signalling it's time to go class. We all give each other hugs and head off in our separate ways.

Walking down the corridor to class I see a brown haired woman stood at my classroom door, greeting everybody as they walked in. I had to pause for a moment to take her in, my god she was just beautiful. Her skin was radiant and glowing as she smiled at everyone who was walking in. She looked up and made eye contact with me, I could feel my cheeks blushing. "Oh shit" I mumbled to myself. Trying to compose myself I walked over to class. She held out her hand, "hi there, I'm Miss Jackson, I'll be your new English teacher. Please go in and take a seat so we can get started"

Well done Billie! You've probably made a fool out of yourself in less than 5 minutes and the class hasn't even started yet. I don't know why I reacted that way when I saw her, I guess I was just taking in and admiring her beauty, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

I plonk myself down in a window seat at the back of class and day dream until class begins.

"Good morning everyone! My name's Miss Jackson, as you are all probably aware, I'm new here at Jefferson High. I'm pretty laid back, all I ask is that when I talk, you listen. If you guys ever have any issues, feel free to come and see me at any time.
Today we will start by going over this years course contents and then we will start with our 1st module of the year"

Miss Jackson was beaming. You could clearly see that she was in her element stood up there teaching the class. I admired her, it just seemed effortless. Occasionally we'd make eye contact and she'd smile at me with a big cheesy grin. Oh man, she's adorable. I think this last year will be very enjoyable with her as one of my teachers.

It was coming up to the last 40 minutes of class and Miss Jackson gave us the task of writing a poem on anything we'd like, she will mark them and then give them back to us with a mark and feedback tomorrow.

Rebecca's P.O.V

I glanced around as the students were writing their poems. A girl in the back of the corner caught my attention. The name card on her desk says 'Billie Knight' she stood out from the rest of the students as she was the only one in the class who had her hair dyed a different colour. It was a lavender colour, absolutely beautiful, it brought out the colour in her eyes. Almost ocean like; she kept occasionally looking up and we'd make eye contact but she'd look away with a shy look across her face.
I feel like I want to get to know this girl, she seems intriguing.

As the bell rang the students began to make their way out of my class each placing their poems on my desk before leaving.
The room was now empty baring Billie, she was still sat at the back. She gave a loud sigh rubbing her hand through her silky lavender hair. She stood and came towards my desk
"Erm s...sorry Miss, I had writers block it took me a little longer than I expected" She was clearly filled with nerves. "That's no problem Billie don't worry about it! We all have those moments" I take the poem off her and our hands brush momentarily and she pauses and looks at me. Those eyes! Her eyes are just beautiful. As I was about to continue the conversation she interrupts, "Ah, anyway I must be going Miss my friends are waiting. See you tomorrow" and off she goes, at the speed of a thousand gazelles as if she couldn't wait to get out of the classroom.

Billie Knight. You interesting girl.

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