Chapter 2

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Billie's P.O.V

So my first day at school was pretty great actually, I'm currently sat at home doing my bio homework. I live with my brother Finneas, he's not really home that much though as he's in a band, so he's always away on tour. He won't be back for 3 weeks. I don't mind though, I like having my own space... My parents aren't around anymore, they passed away 5 years ago so I've lived with my brother ever since.

Miss Jackson keeps popping into my mind, her beauty was so captivating, so effortless and natural. I wish I could stop thinking about her, believe me I do, because then perhaps I could focus properly on my homework, if I don't get this finished, I'll be off to a bad start in Biology, I can't afford for that to happen! Oh my, what am I going to do? It's safe to say I have a little crush, ahh, I'm sure it will pass soon enough. I've got nothing to worry about right? 

Oh well, anyway, it's nearly 5pm, I need to get changed and head into work. I work at an animal shelter, I love the job, the only problem is I want to adopt all the animals we have because they're all so adorable. I've already got one dog I adopted at home with be, his names buster, such a little ball of energy. 

Rebecca's P.O.V 

I'm nearly done with marking the students poems submitted to me this morning. The last one in the pile is Billie's.

The meaning of life has no definition,
it's never the same,
how it's different,
makes it unique,
for every living soul,
My meaning of life is like a tree filled with leaves,
some leaves fall and others don't,
Like the million of stars stuck in space,
waiting to be discovered,
Like fire, can cause war or peace,
Like money,
used and wasted,
abused and hated,
loved and wanted,
But is there a meaning to it?
Is there a meaning to your life?
I don't know, you decide. 

Whoa, those are wonderful words. Simple, yet perfectly put. She's clearly very talented.  I write notes on the top of each of the students poems so they have some feedback to read over tomorrow. Billie's poem got me thinking about things though, her words make you question certain things, like what actually is my meaning to life? Am I happy? Well if I'm honest... No, I'm really not. I'm hiding, I'm broken inside, and I've been hiding away from who I really am for so long I don't really know how much longer I can keep this up for. I need to clear my head, get out of my own mind for a while. I get my jacket and head out for a drive.

There's something almost tranquil about driving alone at night. The roads are quiet, peaceful and empty. It's the perfect environment to get a clear head. I see a sign for an animal shelter 2 miles away. Perfect! I know what I need, a fluffy animal to keep me smiling. I'm going to be in my element here. All the doggies I'm going to get to see, I can't wait. 

Billie's P.O.V

I hear the bell ring, signalling someone had walked into the shelter. I shout "I'll be out in just a second" I needed to just finish the email I was sending to someone, thanking them for their donation to the shelter.

As soon as I enter the foyer, our eyes lock. It's her. Miss Jackson. I can't escape her, it's like God is playing a sick joke on me or something. She looked tired, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, as if she'd been crying. Despite the puffy and teary eyes she still looked beautiful, in this moment I just wanted to rush over to her and give her a big hug, make her feel better. 

"Miss Jackson, what a surprise. How can I help you this evening?" She looked at me blankly for a moment, it was like she was in a day dream, not quite present in this moment. She soon came back around to reality and said, "Oh sorry Billie, I was in a world of my own for a moment there! I am after a furry little friend to keep me company in my apartment". Her smile was beaming from cheek to cheek, you could clearly see the excitement glowing out of her.

I lead her down to the dog section, she was like a kid in a playground going from pen to pen giving all the dogs some fuss. For a moment I thought she was going to take all of the dogs with her! "I want this handsome chap, what's his name?" I look over and she's at Thor's kennel, we called him Thor because of his blonde locks, he's a golden retriever. "His name is Thor" I say, Miss Jackson squeals with excitement. "Oh perfect, I'll take him please. Thor let's get you home shall we?" We walk out to the foyer and Miss Jackson puts her donation in our donation pot for the shelter. 

Before she leaves she turns to me and says "Billie thank you so much, you have a great job here. I've really enjoyed my time here tonight, I'm going to take Thor home now, I'll see you at school tomorrow Bill, have a nice night". And with that, she smiled and left. The way she said my name then... Bill... It sent shivers down my spine. For God sakes Billie you need to snap out of this. You can't have a crush on your teacher, what's wrong with you!? I've known her for less than 24hrs and she's already starting to do things to me. How am I going to be as time goes on? I need to tell someone, I need some sense talking into me. I need to be brought back to reality. 

I text Adam, he's the best guy to speak to in situations like these;

Billie: ADAM!! I HAVE A PROBLEM! I hate to admit it but I've got a crush on my new English teach Miss Jackson! 

Adam: Ahhhh, Billie you make me laugh! So what girl, what's the big issue? xx

Billie: The big issue? She's my flipping teacher Adam! Like there's nothing more wrong than that.

Adam: So what, people can't help who they have a crush on. Bill, just relax, I'm sure your crush will pass, and if it doesn't who cares, enjoy the view! xx

Billie: I guess you're right aren't you? I just need to calm down a peg or two.

Adam: Yea you do missus. I'll see you at school tomorrow, we can talk more about her then if you need to unload xx 

Billie: Cheers Adam, you're the best. Thank you!!  

I felt a little better after texting Adam, he usually knows the right words to say to make me see sense about things. He is right though, I just have to let the crush ride out, it'll pass. 

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