Chapter 5

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Billie's P.O.V

Well, today was an unexpected day. I'm glad Rebecca felt she could trust me enough to open up about how she's been feeling. I'm currently relaxing in a nice bubble bath with a couple of candles lit, placed on the end of the bath, sipping on a glass of wine. Nice perfect end to the evening. 

I hear my phone buzz on the side, I grab it quickly hoping that it was Rebecca that had text, I could see it was a message from Adam.

Adam: Hey girl, is everything cool? Not spoke to you since lunch. Miss you xx

Billie: Ah, I'm fine don't worry yourself, I was busy with practice after school, then I took Buster out for a walk in the park, just having a nice glass of wine with a bubble bath. I'll see you tomorrow at school :)

I was wondering whether or not to tell Adam about this evening. I know I can trust him, I just wouldn't want to betray Rebecca's trust. I think it's probably best I just keep this to myself. As I was about to put my phone back down my phone buzzed again, it was Rebecca!

Rebecca: Billie, I just wanted to say, thank you again for this evening. You've really helped me. I also enjoyed your company. Look forward to seeing you at school tomorrow - R x

She's looking forward to seeing me? Oh my god Billie calm down a tad, no need to overreact. She's just being friendly. You two have bonded this evening after all. I reply with a simple text;

Billie: No problem Miss J. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction. See you soon x


The next two weeks passed by quickly, I was fully settled back into school, busy with basketball practice and work, me and Rebecca trained together every Tuesday at the gym in school after my practice had finished, and she would occasionally meet me with Thor after I finished work at the shelter, we would walk around the park chatting and getting to know one-another before I head back home.

It's her birthday this Friday, she will be 25. I want to ask her if she wants to go out for the night. There's a gay village in the city, I want to see if she'll come and experience a gay club, get her to let loose, come out of her shell a bit more. I'm not too sure if she will take me up on that offer though, she might be scared of the risk of being seen out of school with a student. Even though I'm 18, it's still frowned upon for a teacher to have any sort of relationship with a student outside of school even if it is just a friendship. 

There's 5 minutes before the end of Rebecca's class, I decide to write her a note to hand to her on the way out. It's worth a shot right? She has got to do something for her birthday anyway. As if on cue, the bell rings, and students flood out of the classroom, I make sure I'm the last to leave. Walking over to her desk, she looks up at me with a huge grin on her face. 

"Hey Bill, everything okay?". Ah, she was so innocent, I just nodded my head, and placed the note on her desk. Before leaving, I turned my head back to her and said "live a little", and with that I left and headed to the library to meet my friends, we all had a free period. I might have a look online, see if I see a little gift that Rebecca might like for her birthday. I know I shouldn't, but I don't care, she deserves something. 

Rebecca's P.O.V

I looked down and unfolded the note that Billie had placed on my desk. It read:

Rebecca. It's your birthday in two days time, you need to do something to celebrate. This "quiet night in" that you're planning doesn't sound acceptable to me. Let's go out. There's a gay village in the city, great clubs and bars, the atmosphere is incredible, I love it there. I'm sure you would too. Be brave and bold! Like I said, live a little? Let me know what you think. We will have a great time - Your Knight in shining armour x 

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