Chapter 6

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Rebecca's P.O.V

What am I thinking? I could have easily of caved and kissed her. Despite our almost moment, I really did have a perfect night, Billie made it perfect for me. The best birthday I've had in years. I especially love the bracelet she brought me, with the little touch of having a world charm on it. 'You've got the whole world ahead of you now'. And she was right. I seem to have a new found outlook and confidence since admitting to myself and her, that I was gay.

But now I've realised I'm into her... What am I supposed to do? It's not like I can pretend that didn't happen. Our lips were inches apart, it'll be pretty obvious to her too. I suppose I could blame it on the alcohol, or say I drank a little too much and can't remember the end of the night? I don't know, my brain is in turmoil right now. I suppose the best option is to just be honest with her, she's mature enough to understand that nothing can happen between us.

I take my phone out to send a text to Bill. It's better than doing it face to face, because then I can't see the look of disappointment on her face.

Rebecca: Hey Billie, I loved tonight. Thank you so much, I had the best time. Erm, about our moment. We are going to have to just forget about that. Nothing could ever happen between us. It's too risky, I could lose my job. Hopefully you understand x

Billie: I'm glad you enjoyed yourself tonight Bec. I just wanted to put a smile on your face. Consider the rest forgotten. See you x

Was she upset with me? I mean who am I kidding, of course she will be, I can't help but feel like I lead her on. She'll be okay though, she's beautiful, so soon enough she'll meet somebody and totally forget about me. Somehow, I don't think I'll be able to forget about her though.

Billie's P.O.V

It's now Sunday, It had been two days since me and Rebecca went out. We haven't spoke since her message to me about nothing being able to happen between us. I mean, I get it. I do, but a part of me hoped that she would have taken that leap, and kissed me that night. I can't push her though, this is all still new for her, she has only just come out after all. Plus I'm her student, so it is kind of illegal.

I'm going to leave the ball in her court now.

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