Chapter 3

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Billie's P.O.V

Gosh today is dragging out. I can't wait for classes to finish for the day. I need to get some frustrations out, I'm just not in the mood today just having one of those off days I guess. I have basketball practice after school though so that will do the trick. I'm about to head to my last class of the day, English. Hopefully it goes by quick enough; I just want to run about and shoot some hoops. 

I took my usual seat in the back of Miss Jackson's class. As always she looked stunning, just so effortless. She said how impressed she was with everybody's essays and started to hand them back to us. When she placed mine on the desk, I couldn't help but look up and smile at her. I feel like a 10 year old kid who has got their first crush.

I looked down at my poem and there was a note on top saying:

Billie, I really enjoyed this poem. Your simplicity with your words draw me more into your poem. It really got me thinking about certain things in my own life. Powerful words. You have a great future ahead of you. Keep up the good work! Miss J.

Well, I'm very pleased with that. I'm glad she could see the message in the poem. It took me a while to write, but it was my aim to get whoever reads the poem, to reflect on what I have wrote and apply it to their own lives. I guess my day hasn't turned out so bad after all, it can finish off on a good note before I head to basketball practice.  The rest of the class flew by, before I knew it, the bell rang signalling the end of class. Students flooded out in a hurry. As I left, I glanced over to Miss Jackson. Was she watching me? She was looking at me when I looked over at her anyway. I gave her a smile and headed to the gym locker rooms to get changed. I wonder why she was looking at me, maybe I had something on my face, or perhaps she was just deep in thought. I should really stop over thinking little things. 

Rebecca's P.O.V

I've still been quite off today. My head is still all over the place. I'm just confused I guess, I thought I'd dealt with these thoughts in the past. So why are they reoccurring? They can't come back.. It's wrong. I can't do it to my parents. 

Luckily I brought my gym gear with me, so I can go and get a good workout in. The gym at school's usually empty at the end of the day. I'm not complaining though, it means I can workout in peace. The gym has a balcony which overlooks the sports hall, I could hear the sound of balls hitting the floor and girls shouting at each other. Sounds like basketball practice is on. I step out onto the balcony and look over at the girls shooting hoops. 

Her lavender hair makes her stand out a mile away. Billie. She looked like she was having the time of her life, totally in her element. I've always enjoyed basketball. When I was in the Army I ended up on my Regiments basketball team for 2 years, so that was pretty cool. Maybe I should get back into it. Anyway, enough of the thinking Rebecca, think too much and you'll tire yourself out before you've even done a workout. I put my headphones on and got on the treadmill, soon enough I was in the zone. 

After about 20 minutes, I see Billie come into the gym, I guess practice must have finished, she heads over to the weight section and starts doing some sets. The sweat was dripping down her face as she let out a heavy breath each time she lifted a weight. She was drawing me in.. Her body was slim and athletic, you could see she was toned, as she was curling the weights you could see her muscles pump. I couldn't help but watch her. She was pretty gorgeous.
STOP! What are you even thinking Rebecca? She's your student. You can't be thinking like that. Oh boy, I'm a mess. I need to get out of here. 

I burst through the changing room doors and collapse on the floor pulling my knees to my chest, covering my face with my hands. I've managed so long... So long and now, these thoughts are back. And they're back but for a student which is even worse. I need to get these feelings out of my head. I can't like her.
Now would be a perfect time to confide in my mother wouldn't it, talk to her about these feelings. But I can't, you know why? She doesn't even know I'm gay. She can't know I'm gay. She would be so ashamed and disappointed in me, I would probably be disowned. I've hid from it my whole life, just denied it to myself too. That's one of the main reasons why I joined the Army. So I could get away from myself. Be busy and too distracted to think about being in a relationship with a woman. It worked, but I'm not there now, am I? 

"Miss Jackson, are you ok?" I look up to see Billie standing in the doorway. I just look at her, shocked and embarrassed that she's seeing me like this. Billie sits down next to me and says "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, I mean why would you? I'm your student. But what I will say is, you're clearly upset, and if you don't tell me, please confide in somebody. Miss, I'll be walking my dog Buster in the park next to the Animal Shelter tonight around 7pm. If you're about, bring Thor along for a walk, they can have a run around, and we can just walk, we don't have to say a word to each other if you don't want to". And with that, she squeezed her hand on my leg and stood up, grabbed her back and left. 

Shall I go to the park and meet her? Isn't it wrong? I suppose it would be great for Thor to have a friend to run around with. And it would be really nice to talk to Billie. But getting close to her is playing a dangerous game. 

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