-chapter one-

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I drive to work. (You work as a servant at a Hispanic restaurant) I arrive and go inside I put on my apron and I grab my pen and a note pad. I saw my boss and said hello he said hi back. I started to work and I went up to a boy and I'm guessing his friends or brothers and I said,
M: hola, Ingles o Español?
?: English
M: okay, what would you like to drink?
?: I want Pepsi
?: I'd like fruit punch
?: I would take water
M: okay I will come back with your drinks *smiles*

I went to go get their drinks and went back to their table. I gave it to them and asked, "would you guys like to order now?" They all said yes. They ordered and I put a note of what they wanted on the counter so they could see it.
I went to other tables to take their orders.
As their food was done I put it on a tray and walked to their table.
M: okay here's your Torta.
?: I'm tryna eat yours.
M: *laughs* excuse me what was that?
?: nothing
M: here's your quesadilla and this is your carne asada
?: thanks

I went to the bathroom and started dying of what that one boy said. I then went out to give other tables their food. As they finish I gave them their bill and they paid. They left and they left me a 20 dollar tip I was so excited. I find a note under the cup and read it
"Call me baby +1............" I put the note in my apron and start to clean the table.

A couple hours passed and I left work. I went home and said hi to my mom and dad. I also said hi to my brothers and sisters. They had left me a plate of arroz con gandules on the table I Heat it up and ate it. The boys I saw at the restaurant looked familiar but I don't know where from. Maybe school I don't remember but tomorrow I have school and it's Monday. I finished eating my food and took a shower to get ready for bed. Until I hear my mom yell..
Mom- Y/m
Y/m: "Maggie venga a lavar tu plato y fregarlo bien!!"
M: "okay I'm going!!"
My mother told me to wash my plate so I did what she said. I finished and went back to my bedroom I laid on my bed and put music on and fell asleep for school tomorrow. Then that's when Alexis barges into my room saying "bitch get up can you buy me some diapers for Joshua." I groaned and said "okay I will." (By the wait your sister has a little 1 year old.) I got up and saw the time it was 2 am I put my slides on and went to the store to buy her a box of diapers.

I came back home and I saw her on the couch with Joshua sitting next to her. I threw the box at her and went to my room and I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

Clout Chaser | Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now