-chapter four-

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While we were vibing some bitch came in my room. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Ariana, call me Ari um you might not know me but I know you." I looked at her confused. I have never heard of her. Jabez came in and said, "this is Ari, Mag she's our cousin." I say "well hi" I look at my friends and they are in shock I ask what. Yasmeen said "that's A-Ari." I looked at them confused and they showed me her tiktok. "Well damn you got followers Ari." She smiles and they leave my room. Yasmeen asked if her boyfriend could come over for a little. I let her and he came, his name is Sebastian, he has a secret crush on me but I don't know if he does anymore. I hope not.

He came over and I went to go open the door. We went to my room and Yasmeen jumped on him. Yasmeen is the only one who got a boyfriend other than us. I just wanna have Kobe. Anyways we just talked and all of a sudden Yasmeen and Sebastian start making out in front of us. "We're right here did you guys forget?" Asia said. We laugh and they stop. I go to my brothers room real quick and saw Ari and Jabez making out.. "I know cousin is just a word but what's this?" I say. The stop quickly and Jabez says "be quiet and get out!!!" I back away and burst out laughing.

I go back to my room and I jump on my bed. I get a text from Jabez and he said..
Jay: don't say a single fuckin' thing!
M: that's trifling.
Jay: ugh we're not related.
M: who?!
Jay: me and Ari
M: mhm

I sit next to Asia and cuddle with her. She makes me fall asleep so like why nottt. My eyes were getting heavy and I was about to fall asleep. "Yasmeen is Sebastien staying here or leaving?" I ask. "Wait can he stay?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders and she gets excited. Well damn that's how excited I get when I see food. I ended falling asleep In Asia's arms while they watched Tv.

(Couple hours later)

I wake up in the middle of the night and I see Asia asleep and Yasmeen and Sebastien cuddling. I told Yasmeen and Sebastien to go on my bed since they were on my small ass couch. They went on my bed and fell asleep I went on my phone for a little bit then I almost fall asleep until I hear them snore at the same time. I put my AirPods in and listen to music while falling asleep. I fell asleep after a couple of minutes while having my AirPods in.

A/n: hey guys sorry I was inactive. Sorry this is a short chapter I was getting lazy lol but yeah😗

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