Chapter 2

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While Sofia and Ben walked off Genevieve stayed with till

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While Sofia and Ben walked off Genevieve stayed with till. First not Looking at him before she smiled hearing his voice she looked up at him. "You're welcome" she giggled quietly blushing again before she smiled. However it bucked her a little to know what happened to his arm. "Are you okay with me touching your arm?" She asked in the same manner he had asked her on the stage. Her French and British accents being quite obvious. He glanced down to her when she asked if it was okay for him if she touched his arm and smiled "Sure no problem" he said and turned his arm a little to her "It's not my first injury I had worse ones" he told her honestly and then watched her "You have a French and British accent? How is it possible to have two accents?" He asked truly curious. Genevieve hummed when he told her that he was okay with it to which she gently grabbed his arm in her soft and small hand looking at the injury she hummed. "Well... an injury is still an injury" she murmured smiling lightly. She looked up at him then "maman is from Paris and my dad is from London" she said switching from French to a British accent. "Is it so weird?" He smiled a little down to her and the shook his head "No not weird I just never met someone like you" he said smiling a little holding the tend flap open for her so she could enter first. The other bandmates hae given Sofia and Ben already beer everyone having one till sat down as well making place for Genevieve next to him taking a beer himself. Genevieve smiled lightly "I would hope so" she chuckled quietly blushing before she looked at him walking into the tent with him. "It was important for my parents that i can speak both languages and sometimes I skip into the accents really strangely " she chuckled before she smiled sitting down next to Till. "I think it sounds pretty cool" he said smiling to her watching her "I love France... It's beautiful there... And I love Englands history" he said smiling "Those both countries can only get a good result right?' he asked offering her a beer as well. She chuckled "I'm glad" she whispered before she smiled and hummed. "It's really beautiful" she whispered before she hummed taking the beer with a quiet thank you before she smiled. "Result?" She asked him with a risen brow and smile on her lips. "well you're the British french result are you not?" He asked her jokingly sipping on his beer.
"That thing never liked you Till. at least it isn't as big as last time" flake said while walking past them checking tills arms.

"A sanitary already took care of it I'll be fine" he giggled "I guess I am" he teased him before he smiled taking a sip from the beer. Hearing flake's comment she tilted her head. She hummed "maybe you shouldn't use it if it hates you that much no?" She murmured her brows rose as she took another sip and looked at him. "no it's probably just a little mistake in the mechanics... I will look at it tomorrow before we leave" he said smiling a little. Richard, Paul and Christoph were talking with Ben and Sofia and Flake and Ollie were in a conversation themselves. "I'm glad, I already noticed you before the concert, you didn't seemed like the type to enjoy our music" he told her turning a little towards her so she knew she had all of his attention "but You really seemed to enjoy yourself, you were taking notes right?" Genevieve smiled, a giggle suppressed. "Yeah I get that quite often might be the way I dress." She hummed a little before she looked at him smiling. "You Saw me taking notes?" She asked surprised before she nodded "Yeah I usually take notes if I'm Not able to draw on spot, so I don't forget" she said smiling as she held onto her sketchbook. "you draw? That's very cool" he said truly interested drinking his beer as he glanced down to the sketchbook "Can I see?' She looked at him nodding a little "Yeah" she smiled before she hesitantly gave him the sketchbook "but be careful with it" she said smiling lightly. "of course I'll be very careful" he said and opened it his eyes widening with her talent 'Wow you're really talented" he then glanced back to her "I'm so rude! I never asked for your name" She smiled lightly nodding a bit before she tilted her head showing him a few of her drawings she liked the most. She was quite critical with herself after all. She showed him a few pictures she drew of random people in a park, a naked woman and others like that. "Thank you" She whispered blushing lightly "Genevieve- well my first name- okay wait" she chuckled "Genevieve Lizette Jones" she said smiling softly "that's my name" she giggled. He hummed "a beautiful name for a beautifully talented person " he said smiling at her. Oliver stood up and brought tequila shots for everyone Till smiled giving one to Genevieve taking one for himself closing the sketchbook again after he admired the drawing "I'm really impressed with your art" he aid and once everyone hd a shot and said cheers till emptied his one. She smiled lightly blushing "thank you" she said smiling lightly before she took the tequila shot he offered her. She nodded before she smiled and downed her shot. "They're really not that good.. i was doodling most of the Time" she shrugged. "they're really good! Don't say that" he said smiling brightly at her. "There are a lot of.." She whispered before she hummed a little "but thank you.." she whispered smiling sheepishly. He smiled back to her just watching her for a second "So what is wrong about you? I mean you're beautiful obviously talented beautiful DNA " he chuckled "What's the flip of the coin?' he asked her with a smirk. "What?" She blinked looking at him before she chuckled "Theres no flip.." she said smiling "I mean I have a few habits but I'd not like to scare you" she giggled. "please I'm the singer of the most shocking German rock band... Nothing can scare me easily" he said smirking. "Very funny" she said and smiled before she put the beer down. "Maybe when I feel like you won't judge me" she teased leaning back. He chuckled "Alright" he said and smiled emptying his beer the others were having fun so till had time to talk to Genevieve only. Genevieve smiled looking at him before she tilted her head "okay" she hummed "I slip into my accents really weirdly" she hummed gently before she giggled "one habit.." "you don't have to tell me Genevieve, it was more in a joking way than in a serious" he told her reassuringly caressing over her hand "I'm getting myself another beer you want one too?" "It's a little habit you heard that" she whispered smiling a little "another one?" She asked before she chuckled "I still have some in mine.." she murmured. "you don't have to tell me" he said smiling getting up "Oh alright but you don't have to get up if I bring you one right now" Richard noticed till standing up "And another round of tequila shots" he said to him before turning attention back to his conversation. Till playfully kicked Richard but brought everything back. Genevieve smiled lightly before she giggled "it's okay wasn't a secret" she shrugged a little before she smiled. She chuckled lightly before she hummed fixing herself and her skirt. She hummed watching till quietly. Once till returned to the table he placed a shot in front of everyone and his and Genevieve's beer in front of them as well before he sat down. She smiled lightly watching him before she nibbled on the inside of her lower lip. "Hm" she hummed "long time no see" she said jokingly. Still smiled sweetly and took his place next to her again drinking a little bit from his beer what listening a little to the others talking and join to spend time with the band Genevieve and the others "are you enjoying your time?" He asked her with a gentle smile on his lips he couldn't help but watch her biting her lower lip and doing it himself as he couldn't take his eyes off her lips. Genevieve smiled lightly nodding at his question "I am" she whispered before she blushed when he bit his lips as well, catching herself looking at his lips before she took her beer and took a sip from it while she blushed darkly. When she blushed darkly he can help with smile a little as he watched her pink blushed cheeks "are you shy type of person because you don't have to be shy with me darling" he said as he smiled at her low key thinking she was looking super cute like that. Genevieve blushed even darker when he pointed out her being shy. She put her beer down and hid her face from him. "I-I'm not!" She murmured pouting a little before she looked up at him with big eyes, pouty lips and blushed cheeks. When she looked away he felt sad to be not able to glance at her face or when she looked back at him he nearly cursed because she was looking so gorgeous "yeah? Then why are you blushing so much little one?" She looked up at him pouting still. "I-I'm not shy" she murmured quietly pouting and blushing dark still. "M-m not" she whimpered unable to stop blushing. Till Chuckled a little taking his tequila shot "Cheers" he said to her smirking down at her before downing his shot making a slight grimace at the sharp taste. She hummed quietly, her lips still pouting before she hummed taking her shot. "Cheers" she said smiling sheepishly before she started to chuckle upon seeing his grimace "hm?" She giggled before she downed her shot. "after a while the taste gets worse especially without salt and lemon" he told her and smirked a little. "Does it now?" She asked him tilting her head to the side with a teasing grin on her lips. When she grinned teasingly at him he leaned closer humming just to see her reaction wanting to see if she would blush again. When he leaned closer to her she gulped lightly, starting to blush again- Why was she reacting like that? She looked at his lips quietly before she looked up at him with big eyes. He noted her glanced and smirked "see all shy again" he whispered and caressed over her cheek "So fucking cute" he whispered. She looked up at him before she pouted when he pointed out that she was shy again. "M-m not.." she murmured quietly before she closed her eyes for a second when he caressed over her cheek, her brows furrowed a little before she opened her eyes again looking up at him with big innocent eyes. When she looked at him with those innocent eyes he bit his lower lip again glancing down to her his eyes getting more intense. He cleaned his throat and straightened his back. When he looked at her more intensely while biting his lip she felt her cheeks getting even darker than before. She immediately looked down fiddling with her skirt while she blushed darkly. He fastly grabbed his beer his throat feeling horribly dry. As he took a deep breath. "Are you going to stay the whole weekend?" He asked her then glancing back down to her. Trying to calm her cheeks she grabbed her beer and gulped down everything that was left in it. She got thirsty. She then nodded lightly "Yeah" she said looking up at him again "the whole weekend.." she murmured as she could barely concentrate on anything but him. He hummed "Flake and Oliver will probably leave tomorrow but Paul, Richard and Christoph want me to stay here for the whole weekend too, we have our tents here in the backstage area" he told her smiling a little. First pouting as she thought that he would leave as well, but then when he said that he was going to stay the whole weekend too she couldn't help but smile. "Sounds great" she said looking up at him with a smile on her lips. He smiled at her reaction "I'll make sure you'll have a vip band" he said showing her his red one around his wrist "So you can visit and have free drinks the whole weekend " he said smiling. Her eyes showed him more than she thought as she was beyond happy. She liked to be around him despite, as he had said, him being in Germany's most shocking rock band. He was charming. "I wouldn't just visit for the free drinks" she said as a softer blush crept on her cheeks, an innocent smile on her lips. "I'm sure you won't" he said and glanced at her "God you have no idea what an affect you have on me" he muttered close to her so only she could hear it. "Nope I won't" she hummed quietly before she blushed when she heard what he muttered into her ear. She looked up at him "what effect are you talking about..?" She asked quietly as she looked up at him. "I never felt so drawn to a person like to you" he whispered and gave her a slight smile "The way you looked at me while performing the way your eyes shine your cheeks blush all of this drives me crazy" he whispered. She hummed listening to his words before she hesitantly let her fingers brush over his cheeks "can't help it" she murmured quietly before she smiled lightly then looked down as she started to feel shy again. She he felt her delicate finger's brush over his cheek he closed his eyes humming smiling down at her when she glanced down he gently lifted her gaze by holding her chin gently giving her a slight smile "I can't help it as well" She looked up at him when he held her chin gently, making her look up at him to which she felt even more shy. Her eyes dropping to his lips again, her brows furrowed gently as she smiled lightly "hm.. what to do.." she whispered quietly. He took a deep breath and pulled away again staying close to her as the whole table now talked except the two "maybe we should socialise" he said jokingly giving her a wink. Genevieve looked up at him quiet, when he pulled away again she made a quiet whimpering sound before she pouted a little looking up at him. "Should we?" She asked him before she hummed and grabbed his arm that he had burnt after the show, quietly inspecting it. She couldn't help it, she was worried she didn't understand how it didn't hurt him. "Are you sure they did everything right?" He noted the whimpering sound and couldn't help but smirk a little at the sound she made he let her inspect his arm smiling about it as he talked to the others "Yes... It's probably just a small mistake in the pyrotechnic that is easily repaired I did that when we started I have a license and a Job training as a pyrotechnician. Genevieve pouted gently before she hummed a little. "A small mistake huh? I don't want to know what a big mistake would be.." she mumbled before she let her fingers gently brush over his arm. "Gotta be safer with that stuff" she murmured looking up at him. Now that she was inspecting the rest of his arm she would probably see his other scars as well. He had big ones on his back and stomach and on his other arm as well. He glanced at her "Big mistakes lead to many hospital visits" he told her and lifted his shirt to show her one scar that spread up to his ribs "That was a little firerocket I was glad it only hit my kidney and not my chest area my heart could have been hit" he told her. Genevieve furrowed her brows when she saw the other scars. She frowned a little before she looked up at him when he talked, when he had showed her his scar on his ribs she gulped furrowed her brows. Her fingers brushed over that scar as well, feeling that it was as deep as it looked. "You really should be more careful with all that" she mumbled and looked up at him. "Its my job, and we are famous for our pyrotechnics.... But those scar is from before I was a professional pyrotechnician I used to do everything myself" "Well.. then.. just.. just be more careful.." she whispered looking up at him with big eyes "it's really deep" she mumbled before she hummed then let her fingers brush over his fingers. Gently. He was surprised with her worried words and watched her even more fascinated he smiled a little turning away from the others again. She smiled lightly being fascinated about the differences of his hand and her own. She then looked up at him smiling "I hope you don't mind" she murmured as she played a little with his fingers. He smiled gently "no I don't mind at all" he whispered glancing down to their hands biting his lower lip once more and the alcohol wasn't a big help. "want to take a walk around the VIP area?" He asked her. Genevieve smiled lightly before she concentrated on his fingers, she then looked at him when she heard his question, she nodded "yes! Sounds fun let me just tell my friends so they don't think I got kidnapped" she said with a grin on her lips giving him her sketchbook so he could take care of it. He smiled a little and holded the sketchbook telling Richard that he was walking around with Genevieve he then holded the sketchbook waiting patiently for Genevieve. She smiled lightly getting up before she had to tell Sofia and Ben about her going to join till to walk around in the area. Ben eyed till shortly before he hummed and looked down at Genevieve "be careful though alright" he said before she chuckled "don't worry" she said smiling before she headed off to join till again. Till noticed Ben glance and raised one eyebrow at him eyeing him up and down as well yet when Genevieve faced him he smiled and offered his healthy arm to her holding out the sketchbook for her as well. Genevieve smiled at him before she wrapped her arm around his and took her sketchbook "thank you" she said smiling as she looked up at him. He smiled back at her and walked around with her in the VIP area. "Here that's our place " he said there was a sitting area over a shielded pavillion with chairs a two vw busses and four tents he then motioned for her to sit "Want to drink Something? A coke or water ?" He asked "Or you want another beer?" She smiled lightly walking with him before she looked at the busses and tents. She smiled lightly then looked at him "uhm.." she hummed before she shook her head "no no.. thank you" she said smiling lightly "do you want something to drink?" "yeah I'm getting myself a coke" he told her and opened the red VW bus it was his and most food and other stuff was placed in the VW busses. "flake and Oliver only came today they still have to put up their tents... We others arrived yesterday morning" he told her "We love festivals" he said and came out of the bus with a coca cola opening it and taking a sip. She watched him quietly tilting her head to the side before she smiled lightly. "It's my first festival" she admitted and looked around "so far I'm having a lot of fun" she said smiling as she looked at him. His eyes widened "What? That is your first festival? I can't believe it" he said shocked and sat down "You and your friends should join us here, I mean tomorrow two tents will be gone anyway and we have more then enough place in this pavilion, I'll make sure you'll never forget your first festival Genevieve" he said gently. Genevieve blinked looking at him with a soft blush "I never came around to do it" she hummed shrugging lightly before she tilted her head to the side. "We can just- do that?" She asked blinking a little before she chuckled "I already will never forget this festival.." she whispered before she tilted her head "Gen is fine.." she said smiling sheepishly. "of course! I mean we are rammstein if I can get you three tickets for here I can also let you camp here" he said smiling and when she told him to call her gen he smiled "Gen" he repeated glancing into her eyes. "That would be amazing" she said smiling before she tilted her head "as long as you don't get in trouble- that's the last thing I want" she whispered before she smiled looking up to his eyes before she looked to his lips again. Quietly. Blushing before she looked up at him again. He noticed her glance again and stood up cupping her cheeks "I am trouble gen" he said smirking a little getting his lips close to hers before he pulled away again enjoying to tease her like that. He pulled his phone out and made a call a few minutes later he glanced to her "So you're allowed to camp here you only have to get your things over here" he told her smiling. She looked up at him when he cupped her cheeks, her cheeks getting red again before she furrowed her brows her eyes halfway open as he leaned close to her lips. When he pulled back again she whimpered again knowing he was teasing her. She watched him make phone calls before she heard what he said "really? That's awesome! Thank you!" She said smiling as she blushed. "you don't have to thank me for that" he whispered hovering over her again leaning down cupping her cheek with one hand "I wanted to do that since you first bit down on that beautiful lips" he whispered close to her lips before he placed his on hers his eyes closing. She looked up at him when he hovered over her. She gulped, blushing darkly before she tilted her head into his hand. "Hm.. did you now.." she whispered fully believing he would pull away again, UP until he pressed his lips on her own, blushing darker before she closed her eyes and furrowed her brows. Kissing him back softly and gently, so shyly. He breathed slightly into the kiss and kneeled down being one eye level with her bringing her closer by wrapping one arm around her waist continuing to kiss her. She blushed when she felt him kneeling down, she gulped shortly before she gasped when he pulled her close by her waist, her hands cupping his cheeks as she kissed her back. He smiled a little into the kiss slowly ending it caressing over her cheek smiling a little glancing into her Eyes. When he started to end the kiss, she furrowed her brows, whimpering gently before she opened her eyes looking into his innocently blushing and pouting lightly. She then pecked his lips again quickly while she blushed. He smiled and kissed her back when she pecked his lips once more caressing through her hair "Shall we tell the other with the camping stuff maybe the bandmates can help carry your stuff" She hummed quietly purring when he caressed through her hair. She tilted her head a little "hm.." she hummed before she nodded lightly "we should.. and you should get back into your feet unless you want to be on your knees the whole way back.." she teased him giggling softly. When she teased him he tickled her side for a short second before he got up and holded his hand out for her smiling. She squeaked wincing before she giggled after he tickled her. "Hey" she murmured blushing. She watched him get up, smiling as she looked up at him gabbing his hand while she smiled. He smiled back at her holding her close caressing over the back of her hand walking to the big tent that stood near the stage "yo guys I need your help carrying some stuff over to our camp" Genevieve hummed quietly looking up at him as they walked. Walking next to him before she looked at his bandmates. She then told ben and Sofia about what had happened- leaving out the kiss whatsoever she could explain that later on. She told them that they'd stay on the vip place- on their camp which obviously made the two really excited "seriously!? And we don't have to pay-" Sofia asked blinking before she looked at Ben who couldn't believe his ears either to which they started to move the camp. The boys from the band helped and faster than they thought they moved Genevieve's and her friends camp to the rammstein camp. Flake and Ollie placed their tents to them as well and then they all sat down in their camp. Till gave everyone another beer and then smiled at Genevieve happy that she would stay at the rammstein camp. Genevieve smiled lightly as she was helping around, fragile girl she looked like but In reality she did a lot with Ben while Sofia carried most of the easier things. Once finished she looked around and smiled a little before she looked over to till and gave him a happy smile as well. The other people were all caught up in a conversation again and till stood in the door of his red vw bus nodding his head motioning for her to follow. He moved a few ice boxes with food and ice cubes to the side so they would both have place to sit in the bus as he waited for her. With the nodding of his head she excused herself- following him quietly, and quickly into the bus.

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