Chapter 4

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Till laughed at their faces and sipped on his beer as well. Genevieve started to giggle before she pointed to Ben while holding her beer “in fact” she said “y’all are right looking at him, hes her boyfriend” she added before she hummed and took another sip from her beer before she set it down. "sorry" Christoph muttered to Ben and Richard gave him an apologetic smile. Till smiled a little at Genevieve "and do you have a boyfriend gen?'" he asked with a smile. Ben chuckled “y’all good” He said finishing his beer before Ben and Sofia looked at Genevieve upon hearing Till’s question. “Do I look like I have one?” She asked him sarcastically. He raised his eyebrows at her sarcastic tone and raised his hands "I was just asking" he said Teasingly and gave her a grin before he emptied his beer. Richard stood up "I need something stronger" he said and prepared himself a gin tonic " just feel free to take whatever you guys want okay? We have everything I guess Till always makes sure of that isn't that right papa Till?" He asked teasingly ruffling through Tills hair who simply hummed and rolled his eyes annoyed at Richard. She looked at him with a small smile before she hummed “m sorry” she whispered before she smiled lightly and shook her head “not having one” she added then before she looked at richard. She tilted her head. “Thank you” Sofia said and smiled lightly Ben agreed. Genevieve then giggled upon hearing what he said. She then started to fix tills hair again once richard moved on. “Can I put new bandages on your arm tomorrow?” She asked him tilting her head a little. He furrowed his brows but thanked Genevieve once she fixed his hair he glanced at her once he heard his question "it's not that big of an injury" he muttered but smiled a little rolling his eyes giving her a smile "but if it makes you happy" he said and smiled a little. She smiled lightly before she pouted when she heard him saying it’s not that big of an injury. “Stiiiiill...” she whispered before she smiled nodding “would make me very happy” she said with a grin on her lips. He chuckled "Alright then" he muttered and caressed over her hand standing up walking into the bus to his driver's seat putting on the stereo blasting music just like the other neighbors around before he grabbed empty Cups placing them outside on the table grabbing one himself "Let's get this party started!' he said and filled his cup with whisky and coke. He the glanced over to Genevieve "Gen? What do you want to drink?" She smiled lightly before she watched him getting up and walk over to the driver’s seat. She hummed a little before she heard her name. She turned around looking at him before she shrugged smiling “surprise me” she called out looking at him with a smile. He shook his head lightly and decided to put a little bit of wodka mixing it with sprite handing it her he placed one hand on Genevieve's shoulder "And you guys what do you want?" He asked Ben and Sofia knowing the boys would get themselves something because they always shared their stuff. Paul made a drink for himself and flake since they always drank the same Oliver still having half of his beer and Christoph standing at the drinks glancing at the different options. She hummed quietly taking the cup. She looked up at him, feeling a small blush on her cheeks. “Thank you” She whispered quietly. When he asked Ben and Sofia what they wanted Ben shrugged. “Whiskey would be nice- or?” He looked Sofia who nodded. To which ben got up “if you tell me where it is I can get it” he said smiling. Till smiled a little "It's all on the table here, If something's empty tell me and I put something new on, also in the fridge is some food really feel free to get something if you want, I always pack too much and eat it home for weeks afterwards" he said sitting back down next to Genevieve. Ben chuckled “thanks man” he said smiling before getting two cups of whiskey for him and Sofia. Once he got something to drink he sat down giving Sofia her cup. Genevieve hummed looking at him as she held on

the cup. Watching him. She let her finger brush over his hand smiling. When he felt her fingers sliding over his hand he smiled glancing at her his eyes fixated on hers and he bit his lower lip a little his fingers interwhining with hers. She hummed gently smiling lightly before she blushed softly upon him interwhining their fingers together. She smiled sheepishly looking up at him. He smiled a little and drank from his whisky the music was blasting into the camp Paul and Christoph dancing to the music Richard texting his daughter back and flake and Oliver drinking his drink chatting with Flake about the show. Genevieve smiled lightly looking at him the whole time before she sipped on her drink. Humming quietly before she looked at Sofia who had her brows risen upon seeing them together. Genevieve shrugged gently before blushed. Till unwrapped his hand from her standing up not noticing Sofia's glance as he grabbed a few chips placing them in the middle of the table fixing the position of his chair getting a little closer to the table placing his cup down on it. She pouted a little when Till left her side. She watched him quietly tilting her head. Finishing her cup she hummed a little. She moved closer to him again smiling a little.
When she moved closer again he turned his head Glancing at her smiling back he didn't noticed that Sofia had watched them he still thought everyone was caught up in conversations. She smiled lightly before she crept her hand back into his. Her head resting on his shoulder as she ignored Sofia’s glances. Till emptied his drink as well smiling gently with Genevieve's actions. She looked up at him, a dreamy smile on her lips before she hummed and glanced at Ben who was looking at her as well. Giving her a small look that made it clear that she should be careful with what she was doing. Till leaned back noting ben's glance towards Genevieve raising one eyebrow as he stared at the boy standing up getting himself a new drink "Do you want something alcohol free to drink or the same Gen?" He then asked. She looked up at him before he stood up again. “Some water would be nice” She said looking at him with a small smile. He smiled a little but nodded filling into her cup water and into his own whisky with cola again sitting back down he gave Ben one last glare before sipping on his drink. She smiled lightly, furrowing her brows before she took the water bottle and sipped on her water. Ben looked at Till shortly
before he looked at Sofia for a short second. Till took a deep breath. Richard and Christoph stood up with the plan to get some girls. Till turned to Genevieve "want to join them? We will go to the stage together?" He asked her glancing at her. “Join them?” She asked him as she looked up at him. She then looked at Ben who nodded shortly. She smiled. “Mhm sure” she said getting up. When she looked at Ben and he nodded Till raised both his eyebrows "I think she is old enough to decide that for herself isnt she? Stay Concentrated on your girlfriend" he muttered and emptied his cup walking to the other two who were both pretty tipsy. Till wasn't drunk. He knew how much he could drink and how much he couldn't drink. He turned around to wait for Genevieve. Ben didnt say something to Till just nodded a little. Genevieve joined till as she blushed a little humming. She wasn’t drunk either, she was able to know when to stop drinking. She then looked up at Till taking his arm not sure wether or not she should tell him why she needed Ben’s approval. Till watched Richard and Christoph smirking a little both of them were tipsy and they nearly wanted to climb over the barrier until Till
grabbed both their shoulders leading them to the entrance of the VIP area so they could leave it rolling his eyes playfully at Genevieve. She chuckled quietly looking at Till before she looked at the other two. “They’re drunk no?” She asked before she chuckled humming gently. She stayed close to Till throughout the time. "not drunk but very tipsy" he said and laughed a little grabbing ahold of her hand again as they walked towards the stage. She chuckled quietly before she held his hand smiling happily. “Very..” she whispered then hummed “about Ben..” she whispered. When he heard Ben's name he leaned down to her because of the loudness around then glancing at her as he waited for her to go on. “He is.. my bodyguard” she murmured looking up at him with a gentle pout on her lips. “That’s why I need.. uhmmm.. approval if you will?” His eyebrows furrowed confused and he stared at her for a few seconds "Why on earth do you need a bodyguard?" He asked. She fiddled with her thumbs quietly. “I just do” she shrugged a little “Let’s just say my parents are really over protective” she whispered looking up at him again. He lifted her chin forcing her to look up to him again
And why are they so overprotective?" He asked her his brows still furrowed. When he forced her to look up at him she whimpered blushing as she pouted. “Because..” she said shrugging a little “it’s complicated- actually it’s big but-“ she started rubbing the back of her neck. He kept his hand under her chin glancing into her eyes "Tell me please..." He said. “I-I..” she started before she sighed gently.

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