Chapter 3

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Once she walked into the bus she looked around shortly before her eyes landed on Till again. Her head tilted a little. "come here if you want we can sit here without being caught up in conversations" he said smiling a little and not moving his eyes from her. “I don’t know if you haven’t realized, a lot of conversations make me uncomfortable” she said with a small smile and a risen brow before she walked over to him sitting down close to him. "that's why we're Here, I'm normally not that big of a talker too" he said and smiled sipping on the beer. He had the others talking in the camp and heard them laughing he couldn't help but smile at Richards and Pauls laugh because it was a catchy laugh. “Funny” she hummed quietly before she chuckled hearing the laughter from outside “you don’t seem like the person who wasn’t a big talker” he hummed, her head tilted as her blonde locks bounced a little. He smiled and caressed through her locks after they had bounced watching her with a slight smile glancing into her eyes "I really enjoyed that kiss earlier" he said and smiled leaning down as if he wanted to kiss her again but he pulled away again"But I liked to tease you too" She hummed when he caressed over her locks a smile on her lips as she looked into his eyes before she blinked. “Oh did you now?” She asked before he started to lean in again. Her brows furrowed before she whimpered when he pulled away again. “Yeah I guessed” she pouted a little. He smiled gently when she pouted and he heard the whimper again wrapping one arm around her bringing her closer and then placing his lips on hers this time a little bit more passionate. Genevieve hummed a little looking at him with big eyes as she pouted softly. When he brought her close by pulling her close she smiled sheepishly and kissed him back softly while her fingertips were resting on his cheek. He smiled a little into the kiss and then dared to go a little more forwards his tongue caressing over her lower lip asking for entrance before his tongue gently touched hers his eyes closed and his arm holding her close while his other caressed over her arm to her hair. She furrowed her brows a little, her cheeks turning red as he started to ask for entrance, her heartbeat getting quicker before she gave him permission feeling his tongue brush over her own. Her hand resting on his chest now. He hummed into the kiss
caressing through her hair feeling his heartbeat getting faster as well as he kept kissing her it seemed like he wouldn't get enough of her but eventually he had to breath again so he pulled away staying close to her testing his forehead on hers smiling a little. Genevieve continued to kiss him, gently, passionately. Her brows furrowed before she whimpered when he pulled back. She panted softly her eyes were still closed as she hummed. “Hm..” she had her brows furrowed. He smiled and let his lips trail over her cheekbones gently caressing through her hair when she hummed. "yo till hand out another beer please" he heard the voice of Oliver and sat up a little before he leaned over Genevieve and grabbed a beer standing up giving it to Oliver and getting back inside the bus his lips were probably a little swollen from kissing but he didn't care. Genevieve hummed when she felt his lips brush over her cheekbones. When she heard Oliver’s voice she winced visibly looking at till after she whimpered when he got up. She hummed then waiting for him to come back to sit down next to her while she looked around.
Till walked back to her sitting down wrapping one arm around her again as he gently pecked her lips once more softly caging her lower lip between his teeth glancing into her eyes "why Do I feel so drawn to you?" He asked in a whisper his breathing still a little ragged from their little make out session. She was caught up with looking around as till came back. Her head tilted gently before she gasped when he sat back down, she smiled lightly before she pecked his lips back, but then muffled a moan when he had her lower lips in his mouth between his teeth. She shrugged a little at his question as she tilted her head “I wouldn’t know” she whispered before she let her fingers brush over his cheek again smiling lightly “but I do like that” she giggled quietly. He smiled at her Caressing over her cheek as well "I like that too" he said gently smiling a little. He then bit his lower lip caressing over her jaw. He then tilted his head and let his lips trail over her jaw to her Earlobe "But you haven't blushed in a while" he noted with a smile "I think that's a good sign" he whispered and pulled back again smiling at her.
She smiled lightly upon hearing what he said she could feel herself being close to blushing again which however she could contain rather nicely up until he pointed it out, her cheeks getting rosy. Also the fact that his lips were trailing from her jaw to her earlobe. “I haven’t blushed before” she protested with a pout before she looked at him tilting her head “it’s not a bad thing if I blush though” she murmured fully aware that she was, she had her finger trace patterns on his chest “just a sigh that I like you” she murmured “dont feel uncomfortable..” He smiled and glanced down to her finger drawing patterns on his chest gently holding her close lifting her chin up kissing her once more "that's true.... " He said and kissed her once more leaving his tongue out this time but still passionate caressing over her cheekbones ending the kiss again as he hummed a little "are you hungry?" He asked gently. She hummed quietly before she kissed him back, purring quietly “mhm...” she whispered chuckling before blushed when he kissed her passionately. She pouted a little when he stopped to kiss her. She then looked at him quietly “no.. not really” she whispered “are you?” She asked him before she pecked his lips again quietly. He smiled a little "I'm starving actually" when she pecked hi lips he kissed her back and then got up walking to a small fridge getting a bit of bread and some cheese and flesh to put on the bread. “I would be too if I had a concert” she chuckled before she hummed and watched him “if you want to order something in you can I don’t want you starve” she hummed quietly as he made himself a sandwich. She then hummed as she grabbed her sketchbook and started to doodle around. "no it's fine, we will get something from the food trucks later" he said and smiled a little finishing to make his sandwich placing everything back sitting back down starting to eat. “Are you sure?” She hummed looking at him as she tilted her head before she leaned her head back against him doodling around and mostly drawing the inside of the bus for now. She had enough time to draw the concert another time. He smiled gently wrapping one arm around her his hand resting on her stomach as he glanced over her head to the sketchbook watching her draw while eating. She smiled lightly as he wrapped his arm around her
small body feeling his hand on her stomach she hummed a little. Coming down to the place they were sitting she hummed gently looking up at him with a small smile to see his facial expression so she could draw the moment more accurate. He didn't expected her to look up at him his cheeks were stuffed with the sandwich and he was munching it yet he stopped to chew and glanced down to her when she glanced up to him with his stuffed cheeks. She couldn’t help but start giggling when she caught him with his mouth stuffed with the sandwich he made for himself. When he stopped chewing she tried not to chuckle more. “You look funny” she whispered before she started to draw the two from the perspective of a person who looked at them drawing him with stuffed cheeks while she drew herself drawing and smiling possibly due to the fact that Till’s cheeks were full with food. Tills eyes widened and he muffled a "no" since it was embarrassing with his cheeks so stuffed once he had his mouth empty again he chuckled "You're lucky this drawing is pretty" he said kissing the top of her head grabbing the other half of the sandwich eating it in smaller bites. She giggled quietly when she heard the muffled no from his lips. She then looked up at him with a grin on her lips before she blushed humming “hm.. thank you” she whispered as he kissed her forehead. She smiled lightly but then hummed nuzzling his arm gently. She then finished off some of the details while she smiled. He kept watching her how she drew the picture and finished the sandwich wrapping his other arm around her as well placing his head ontop of hers. She smiled lightly as he wrapped his other arm around her as well feeling his head on her own she hummed. “Hm..” she put the day down in the right bottom corner before she signed it, beautiful handwriting. She then looked at him smiling “like it?” He hummed "I love it" he said caressing over her side "It's looking beautiful... I wish I had that skills" he said and smiled gently watching the small details she drew. “Even the accurately full cheeks I gave you?” She asked jokingly as she had smile on her lips. She giggled before she hummed nuzzling his cheek a little “m kidding by the way.. it fit really nicely wasn’t supposed to be a perfect drawing.. just.. in the moment doodle..” she smiled innocently before she chuckled “You have other skills I’m sure.. like the pyrotechnics which also seem to hate you sometimes” she murmured. He chuckled a little and kissed the top of her head once more stretching a little and unwrapping his arms stretching them into the air as well "Yeah sometimes not always" he said smiling a little "and I'm sure there are a few skills I have" he then grabbed his notebook. And started to write something down that got into his mind to not forget it later on placing the pen next to it again humming a little. She giggled quietly before she hummed as he unwrapped his arms from her. “Sometimes is still a lot” she teased before she put her sketchbook down and turned around kneeling next to him so she could rest her head on his “I’m certain” she giggled then watched him write something down. “What are you doing?” She asked tilting her head. He smiled when she kneeled next to him wrapping one arm around her again "I'm writing something in my little book, I write all my lyrics on there" he told her and holding it out for her to take "All possible lyrics I could bring into new songs there are also old Lyrics that are already made to songs" She hummed listening quietly before she smiled a little taking the notebook careful as she looked through it “I always admired people who are able to put the text they’ve written with a melody” she hummed before she smiled looking at him. “Theres a lot I can do that isn’t one of those things”. He chuckle "I guess we found one of my skills" he said smiling a little.

you know we will all celebrate together tonight right?" He asked and smirked. She giggled quietly before she nodded “Yeah..” she whispered before she hummed and looked at him. “Celebrate what?” She asked blinking a little as she looked at him. "our concert today, the festival and our meeting" he said like it were obvious things and then Chuckled "I mean you go on festivals to party celebrate and have fun right?" He asked and kissed her temple smiling "with the live music" “O-oh-“ She said blinking before she shrugged a little “I wouldn’t know” she whispered before she squeaked and nuzzled into his neck hiding her face as she blushed again “I never went to festivals” she murmured shrugging. "it's time for a festival crash Kurs, You'll learn everything within the weekend so you're ready for the next festivals" he said and Chuckled and stood up "Let's get back outside" he said and smiled it was already getting dark and Till put the fairy lights on that hung from the pavillion grabbing a chair for Genevieve and for himself as well sitting down next to hers. “Are you going to give me the crash course?” She asked him tilting her head before she giggled. She then pouted and grabbed onto his wrist quietly “waaaait” she hummed before she got up and followed him out. Thanking him for the chair before she plopped into it. It was getting quite cold, for her anyway, but for now she ignored it. Till gave every single person a beer "Let the night begin" he said and clinged his beer to Genevieve and then taking a big sip from it the boys were telling a few jokes and both Schneider (Christoph) and Richard were trying to get closer to Sofia. Genevieve smiled lightly and raised her beer before she took a few sips then leaned back a little looking up at the sky. She then watched the two boys try to get closer to Sofia while Ben was sitting next to them. He tilted her head. Genevieve tried not to giggle before she looked up at him “should I tell them that she’s.. not.. single..” she murmured quietly. Till Chuckled but then nodded "Yes probably" he said smiling a little sipping once again to on his beer. She hummed quietly, she giggled before she tilted her head a little. She glanced over to Ben, who gave her an amusing smile. Sofia in the meantime just waited for them to figure out that she had no interest. To which Genevieve then cleared her throat. “Guys” she started before she looked at the two “she’s got a boyfriend” she hummed and sipped on her beer with a small grin. Richard and Schneider shortly glanced at each other before back to Sofia.


We hope you enjoy this story so far

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