Chapter 1: Hometown

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The golden sun rose with all its glory, emanating light on to the dark surfaces of the Earth while the cool wind blows gently over the sea -- forming waves of pearl-white foam on the azure waters, crashing at the sandy beach. White puffy array of clouds move along the rhythm up in the sky, as birds played along, soaring and diving through. Amidst that enchanting scenery -- there is a boy gazing from afar -- standing atop a mountain where North Crest Village is.

Under the morning heat, farmers were off watering their own fields full of wheatgrass. "Hey Owen, here's your profit." a man handed over the money to him in a gravelly voice.

Owen is a 15-year-old teen who lives in North Crest Village which rests at the top of a mountain near Majon Town -- the largest one in the City. The locale isn't a popular spot, but many are familiar with it for having members who constantly express gratitude towards each other.

"I'm coming!" He ran towards him after he spent some more time appreciating the remarkable view

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"I'm coming!" He ran towards him after he spent some more time appreciating the remarkable view.

He laid out his hands and expressed his gratitude, "Thank y--" Owen stopped as soon as he saw five copper coins flashing in front of his eyes.

"Aw... Uncle Jensen!"

He is Jensen Rubio, an old farmer around his forties: hair resembles an ashed grass field; eyes are dark like burnt wood; a pair of short beard and mustache; and lips that wished to have told stories but are now pale. Jensen works alone on his farm, he lets the young boy come day by day to work with him -- he thinks that Owen reminds him of himself when he was younger.

Playing along, he asked, "Why?"

Owen stood there, waiting patiently until Jensen pulled a gleaming silver coin out of his loose pocket.

"Okay fine, you got me," he dropped the coin on his hands and jokingly grumbled, "You better not waste that money for nothing."

Owen seemed gratified and spirited as he received it, "I'm sorry Uncle, I can't stop craving for skewers!" He cracked up.

"Okay kid. I still got some chores to do, be careful on your way."

"Thank you very much, Uncle Jensen!"
He closed his hand to keep the coins and waved goodbye with an ear to ear grin on his face.

"I am pretty sure I was like him back in the day." Jensen chuckled and got back to working on the farm.

Owen went running towards a small store that sells a small variety of products such as bread, skewers, sandals, and some clothes too.

"Good morning Aunt Elyra!" He greeted enthusiastically which pleased the woman shortly after.

The lady, Elyra Valdenibro, is a famous cook in their village -- her long wavy black hair is often tied up, passionate eyes in the color of peanut butter, and lips that are about to dry from the smoke and heat of the grill. Owen, to her, is like the son she'd always wished for. So she heartily welcomes him to the store that her best-selling skewers almost became an essential part of his day to day meal.

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