Chapter one: an unexpected file

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I'm skipping a prologue this time so straight to the book!
warning cursing
~Uknown POV~
I was staying up late at the cave going through my families files, I know I should have stopped but the truth is there was so much on them and I didn't get to finish because ya know some messed up shit happened.

I was about to stop when I found a file that said

Daniel James Todd-Fenton-Alive
Father: Willis Todd-Deceased
Mother: Sheila Haywood-Deceased

Those two names stopped me in my tracks I had a living relative, I wondered If Bruce had known but then I remembered that I had taken this file out of a FBI data base that Tim has hacked in to once. I then continued reading his file

appearance: raven black hair, slim build, and blue eyes.

Current location: Amity park Minnesota

Care status: lives with his adopted family the Fentons, Maddie and Jack Fenton along with their
seventeen year old daughter.

School status: has gone missing before, ran away from home several time some times shows up with a limp or bandages, is a C average student which is suspected due to the amount of times he skips is labeled a troubled kid.

A troubled kid. I had always been labeled that and thinking of his descriptiom I wondered how a like we really were.

But one thing was obvious, I had to see him. To make sure he got a big brother talk and to know we, no I, didn't abandon him, so that he doesn't go down the same path that I did.

I must have been stuck in my thoughts for a while because I heard Dicks voice spooking me out of my head. "Jason?" he looked at the files that spread across the computer and said "Jay, you know we've already gone down this road. We might not be your family by blood but we care for you there's no point in this" he finished his little speech and spun the chair around looking at his younger but grown up little brothers blue eyes. Jason looked at him but said "I know, I was just curious and I checked some other resources and look what I found". I handed him the printed out paper of Daniels file.

Dick looked intrigued at the paper and a little excited "so now what?"  I looked at him and said "I was thinking I would go to Minesota and meet him ya know?" he nodded and said "but we're coming with you, we don't know if he knows he's adopted and there may be more to it and he may not be my relative but I can see how much it means to you to have a blood relative, so me and the others are going with you"

Was about to object but Dick stopped me and continued speaking "Were going to do it right this time no randomly showing up at his door, we're going to have Bruce call his parents and next week is spring break meaning we can all stay longer and get to know him".

I looked at him and said "you rally have everything planned out don't ya?" he just smiled and said "well anything for my little bro and his now newly found little diliquet brother"

I smirked at him and we grabbed Danny files before going up to the Wayne manor to tell Bruce.

~After telling Bruce~

We got him to agree and currently we are packing our bags as he explains the situation to Tim and Damiand.

I heard a knock on my door and say "come in!" Dick walks in with a bag already packed over his shoulder and watches me as I'm zipping up mine.

"So Jaybird you excited!"
I looked at him and said "yeah" but quicky my smiled lowered a little. Dick noticed and said "whats wrong Jay?" I just replied

"youve seen the file he shows up at school sometimes limping and covered in bandages, he's ran away several times, what if he's already gone down a bad path, or if something is going on at home I'm scare of what my little brother been through, what has happened to him and I want able to protect him". Dick just gave me a hug, and said "what ever it is we will stick by him and be there for him weather he likes it or not".

~an hour later~
All four Wayne sons entered their private jet and started talking but we're quieted when Bruce came in.
"We will be staying in one of my company houses on the out skirts of the town, I have talked to the Fentons and we are meeting up tomorrow night for dinner at their house, I also would advise being nice to him because their only now informing him of his brother and that he is adopted tomorrow at lunch. And I brought the suites because while the Waynes are here on business you four and I will be investigating this towns hero called Phantom and it's ghosts"

Damian looked up and said "what about Gotham father?" Bruce replied with "It will only be for a weeks at most so oracle, spoiler and black bat, have it covered since most of the high security villains were recently locked up"

Then he went to go sit down, letting the bat boys resume their talking about what they've heard on the supposed haunted town. Although for once Jason was silent thinking of ways to help his little brother while gazing at the night lighted sky.

~No ones POV~
Little did Jason know that miles away in a small town in Minessota a young boy with the same black hair and white stripes was sitting on his window seal gazing at the same lighted midnight sky.

The young boy then decided It was time to go to bed so he climbed under the covers after a long night of crime fighting as the notorious hero of his small town, Phantom.

He placed his head on his pillow closing his eyes and allowing sleep to overtake him not knowing of the day that tomorrow would bring.

I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of  "The dead Brothers"
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