Chapter two: A sign of death

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~Dannys POV~
I woke up early in the morning to the sound of nothing, which is extremely abnormal in the Fenton house hold. So I got out of bed and went to Jazzs room to find no one , I went to my parents room and again found no one just made beds and an empty room. I tried to calm down and slow my breathing counting one, two, three, one, two, three.

I then rushed down stairs to be greeted by.................. no one. I was about to panic and call Jazz when I noticed a note on the counter. it read:

Dear Danny,
Mom and dad had to leave early this morning to meet and discuss with the GIW. I decide to tag along to get grocery's for lunch. We will be back and have a family lunch around 12:30, there's cereal in the pantry.
Your sister
Jazz Fenton

I decided to go back up stairs and get dressed and text Tucket to hang out. Since it was only 10:00 and I was on family registered house arrest since I had only gotten back from "running away" for my sixth time last week.

I immediately skipped over the idea of breakfast since I had gotten used to not eating a lot at the GIW and now would skip most meals. Well that was unless Sam and Tucker were there, they would basically force him to eat saying that he was as thin as a twig and how due to my slightly faster healing system I had a faster than normal metabolism.

So I dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a shirt with a black hoodie. Then I texted Tucker:

{Texts} start

Hey T man can you hang ?
My fams is out till 12:30
And we need to discuss Dan.

Sure meet in the Ally by my
Apartment and we can talk
And walk.

Ok see you there
in ten

. End of {Texts}

By now your probably wondering we're Sam is, well recently since last year she has been going to this summer camp that her family hosts in New York, long island. Leaving me and Tucker to the ghost infested town we call home.
before going out I looked in the mirror and tried to push my flopping hair out of my face until it stayed to the side at it's normal angle. My raven black hair was also accompanied by two streaks of white in my hair that had started growing in last year, Clockwork just said it was a symbol of death. Of course my family just thinks it was a teenager impulse and that it was dyed, and only grounded him for a week that time.

I then left my room and ran out the door hoping to make it to Tuckers with an hour to kill before his family gets home.

~5 minutes later~

It wasn't that hard to get to Tuckers apartment complex, it was the only one in Amity, right on the outskirts of town, plus it was our meet up place even before the whole ghost portal and being half dead thing.

A I jogged to the side of the complex which was right next to another building creating an ally of sorts. It was only about a minute before I hear the unmistakeable sound of feat parttering on the fire escape attached to Tuckers apartment. And then Tucker dropped down from the ladder and said

"Hey Danny so were do you want to walk?" I thought for a second before deciding that the park would be best since it was mostly empty due to it's enormous size and few residents or visitors.

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