Chapter three: did they not love me?

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~Damiand POV~
We watched as the two imbeciles ran off probably doing something stupid. But I will say that one who ran straight in to us reminds me of some one before I could name suspects Grayson said "So who wants to go to Nasty burger?" We all gave him a look before reluctantly agreeing out of curiosity of the poorly named restaurant.

When we arrived Grayson decided that it was adequate that we should sit and eat an early lunch to discus the town. So we chose a booth by a window close to the door and started scouting the menus.

"So we all agree that kid was a little weird right?" Tim said looking at his brothers. A chorus of yeah and yeps followed his question, Jason then started scanning through his menu like a weirdo when it hit me.

"He reminded me of Todd, with his eyes and hair" Grayson looked quizzical and said "yeah he did kind of look like Jay, What was his name again?"

"I think his friend called him Danny" Jason said having a look of remembrance painted in his eyes. Then Tim looked like he had won the lottery and said "isn't  Danny a nickname for Daniel?......what are the chances that the boy was Daniel Todd?"

Jason took out his phone and said "let me look up a picture from a file" and not even a minute later we were all staring at a school photo of the same kid they had run into this morning.

I just looked at the boy and said "he must have inherited your family's clumsy ness too, the imbecile wasn't even looking we're he was going" Todd glared at me and sneered "Shut up Demon"

A lady came and took our order a couple of minutes later, I gotta a salad and a water, Drake got a small cheese burger with a water, Grayson got a chilli cheese burger and a coke, while Todd got two tacos and a sprite.

~an hour and a half later~

We had just finished eating and paying for our food we were walking out when suddenly the ground started to shake and the sound of an explosion filled the air. We looked around to see pitch black smoke rising from the housing area before sharing a look and sprinting toward the scene.

Danny's POV

"Danny there's something me your dad and Jazz need to tell you........your adopted" my mom said. And I don't know what o was expecting but anything except that was definitely rolling in my head before she said the dreads words.

"Who's my really family? Did they not want me?" My voice was trembling and I could distantly see Jazz stand up from her seat and rap her arms around my shaking form. But I was to focused on my mom for an answers to react, "Danny you know we love you right? No matter what you a Fenton, we don't know all the details but your parents put you up for adoption and your real name is Daniel Todd" she looked at me letting that information sink in before continuing

"We recently got a call from your brother's adopted father Bruce Wayne he and the rest of your family has come down to Amity to see you and get to know you for the rest of the week. They will be coming around for Dinner, your brothers name is Jason Todd"

I dint know what to say it was all so overwhelming so I just got up and maneuvered our of Jazz's arms and said "can I go up to my room and think about this for a while, I need some alone time" my parents gave me a nod and a look of understanding but as I was walking up the stairs I heard my dad say "no matter what you will always be our boy"

I entered my room and closed the door behind me allowing two familiar ring to flow across my body and transform in to Phantom. I went intangible and flew through my wall and out in to the air, I went invisible and kept flying until I was far enough away letting it drop.

I was so angry, why wouldn't they tell me? Why did my parents leave me? Why only now after twelve years is my brother contacting me? I flew down to a treen and sat down before I knew it tears started flowing down my cheeks. It was just to much I was trying to stay strong for my friends after the GIW incidents but it seems like the world hates me.

I wish Sam was here and not at some stupid summer camp she would know exactly what to say, but that's when it hit me I had her number! Of course she said only to use it for emergency's since the camp had a no phone policy and she basically annexed it in.

So I turned human still on the tree branch and called her number it took a couple of seconds before I heard Sams voice echoing from the other side "Danny what's wrong, what happened!? Is it the GIW again, this better be real bad because if I get caught you totally owe me one once I get back home"

I smiled at Sams rant and tried to talk but my voice just started to crack over the phone "S..Sa..m every..things j.jus..t..t going wr..wrong" and more tears spilt down my face "oh Danny what ever happened it's going to be okay,just tell me what happened" so I explained to her about the more frequent Danny sightings and the news my mom had dropped on me.

We stayed in silence after before saying "Sam? Do you think my parents wanted me?" She replied almost immediately and said "of course they did any one would be stupid not to" I could feel my cheeks turn red and was about to say thanks when suddenly my ghost senses when off.

I quickly hung up my phone and turned back in to Phantom hoping that Sam would forgive me emotions and family drama could wait another day

My town needed Phantom

I followed my sense and found my self back home I was so shocked everything looked normal that was until I made out Dans form on the roof. Dan smiled at me with all his teeth Alan it like the Joker and said "you can't stop the future little phantom because whatever you do wherever you go, you can not protect the ones you love the most"

And that's when I noticed the detonator in his hand time seemed to slow down as I flew forward to try to stop Dan and save my family. I was so close but then I was thrown back hard against the ground and could feel my self turning back in to Danny Fenton.

I felt as if I was floating but as I opened my eyes I could see my home burning and the sound of fire trucks coming down the street. Authorities and worried neighbors filled the streets, along with what looked to be the four boys from earlier. I grunted and tried to yell for help but all that came out was a wheeze and that's when I noticed that wood holding me down to the ground.

I tried to move any inch of my body but nothing was responding when suddenly I started coughing and dark liquid littered the ground around me. I must have made a ouch noise because I looked over to see one of the boys around seventeen turn around who seemed to be the oldest and pointed at my sprawled out form Almost entirely covered in debris.

They turned around and told the other two something because those boy started running toward an ambulance parked in-front of my house.

The two other boys started running toward me and I could distantly hear one of them telling me to stay awake when my eyes started to droop and everything went dark.

Sams POV

Suddenly the other line went dead and I was about to call him back and lecture him about hanging up on me when a voice made me jump.

"You know we're not allowed to have phones at camp right?"
I just stared at my half brother and said "it was for emergency's only for when my friend need me, I'm not being irresponsible Nico"

He just smiled at me and said "sure your not"
I just smirked at him and said "at least I'm not spending every waking moment in the infirmary with a certain blonde"

His olive cheeks turn dark red and he said "fine, but you need to practice with your powers more so let's go outside, unless you want to reck the cabin?"

I was about head toward the door when I remembered Danny and looked down at my phone. Nico must have seen the sad look at my face cause he said "what's wrong?"

I looked at him and said "my friend in Amity is going through some stuff right now and he hang up on me, he never hang up on me" The last part came out as a whisper but I'm sure he heard it because he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and said "it's okay he was probably not thinking, but ya know if you ever want me to scare some sense in to him.........." he trailed off and gave him a smirk as he pulled away from the sibling hug.

We shared a comfortable silence before I broke it and said "so about that training..............

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Remember to vote comment and share also I will give a digital cookie to whoever can tell me where Sam is!
Thx for reading!

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