Chapter four: The Fentons

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~Tims POV~
As we arrived at the scene I could already hear the sirens coming down the streets. The house seemed to be in tatters, the whole top half had collapsed on its self. Flames blazed heat with pitch-black smoke rising through the destroyed house.

I was watching as the authorities pulled up and started surveying the scene, and as firefighters started getting ready to enter the burning rubble. When I hear a grunting sound from beside the house.

It was so quiet almost inaudible, but when I looked to the left side of the rubble I could see half of a form almost completely covered in ash, twitch.

Immediately I grabbed Dicks's shoulder and turned him around and said "look I think someone over there" and pointed toward the figure. Richard nodded and turned toward Jason and Damian, "me and Tim are going to see if that person is still alive, you two go get the ambulance and direct them over were that ruble is with a stretcher" he said the last part pointing toward the lump of rubble around the figure.

Dick turned toward me and we started running toward the figure in the ruble as Jason and Damian went to the area where the ambulance was.

As we got closer I could see what seems to be the silhouette of a boy no older than thirteen. Half of his body was cover in ash and burn marks, blood speckled the ground around him and he seemed to barely conscious. The other half of his boy was crushed beneath wood and debris that must have come off the house when it exploded.

Dick and I crouched down next to the boy and I said "Hey my names Tim, can you stay awake for me" but as soon as I finished that sentence his eyes drooped close and head went slack. Dick cursed and checked the boy's arm for a pulse, Tim could see him sigh in relief after finding one, sure it was faint but it was still there.

As they sat there next to the boy, they didn't notice the groups of EMTs and their brothers running over to them.

Tim was brought out of his glances over the boys as he hears Jason ask "Hey, can you three help me get this stuff off of him?" pointing the question at his brothers. The Wayne boys got up from their spots and went to help Jason, they moved the smaller thing before working together to get the planks of wood off the small boy.

The paramedics then carefully picked the boy up and placed him on the stretcher. They hoisted the stretched to and carried him back to the ambulance.

Tim and his brother followed the paramedics curious about what had happened to the small boy and his family. So Tim watched as his brother Dick, being Dick pulled an officer Grayson and went up to one of the local police officers and asked what happened.

The officer then said "Were not really sure at the moment, they were a family of four. Both parents were scientists, so far we have recovered three bodies of the parent's Jack, and Maddie along with their daughter Jazz. They are still searching just in case they find Daniel but we have reason to believe the hot you found in the ruble is Daniel but we will have to wait for the scientist to confirm"

~Jasons POV~

After the officer finished telling us what had happened I couldn't help but pity the poor kid, yeah he survived but at what cost, he had now lost both his parents and was critically injured.

I started to look through the debris and stumbled across a photo of a family at Christmas, there were a man and a woman standing close to a young girl with red blazing hair who looked around eight playing with a little boy around tfour. I dusted off the bottom of the picture to se engraved in gold.

 I dusted off the bottom of the picture to se engraved in gold

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The Fentons

My heart dropped
This couldn't be happening
That was just a random boy it couldn't be my little brother, could it?

I could feel my self start to panic, but quickly turned around to and said "look" my sibling came over and studied the picture before giving me wary looks.
Then Dick said to the officer from before "Hey, D you know what the family's last name was?" The mm noted and said,"Yeah, Those were the Fentons resident Ghost hunters"

my mind was racing, Fenton, Daniel Fenton. My little brother, his home, his family.
Gone. I hadn't even met him yet and for some reason, he had already crossed into my life twice.

How was I going to tell him, his family was gone? Were would my little brother go, the world was cruel to orphans and even if I did try to put him under my care it would take months to get finalized.

Before I knew tears formed at my eyes, but I refused to let them fall, I was Jason Todd the Red hood, I couldn't afford to be weak.

Danny needs me, even if he doesn't know it yet, he needs someone and I'm not going to leave the delinquent.

I tried to stay calm, but my brother could see right through me, and before I knew it I was tackled in a Wayne hug. The surprising thing is even the demon was amongst the bat brother bundle that clung to Jason in support.

After a couple of minutes, they pulled apart and Jason said " let's go, I don't want some random doctor to be the one to break the news to him"

And if the day couldn't get even more surprising the demon spoke himself "Todd, I know you're anxious but we must remember that we know nothing of this boy, and like you've mentioned before in his file their are things we must be cautious about"

Jason nodded and said "Okay, let's just go to the house and tell Bruce what happened so he can see what hospital Daniel is going to, so we can get visitor passes for when he wakes up"

The other boys agreed and they started walking back toward the end of town.

~one boring walk later~

Jason entered the house followed by his brothers, Dick went toward the study of the house to tell Bruce, Tim went upstairs to check the nearest hospitals and Damian went to let off some anger with his Katanas in the backyard.

Jason, on the other hand, well he was still carrying the framed picture of his little brother and his family. He smiled at the happy moment caught with the photo, He then grabbed one of his smaller bags and rapped the pictured in cloth careful not to further damage the already cracked glass.

~Dannys POV~

White, that's the first thing I saw.
It clouded all around me.
But when I closed my eyes I was only greeted with the shiny sharp smile of Dan, his words echoing in my mind, like a broken record
"Whatever you do wherever you go, you can not protect those who matter to you the most"

And do I will continue to update through may! I hope you enjoyed
I loved writing this chapter
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Till next time!

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