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I groan as I drive home. Luckily I'd been able to borrow my mom's car for the sleepover. I'd texted Sarah as many updates as I could before she called it a night. It had been fun, the most eventful things happening during a game of Truth or Dare in which everyone had to pick dare at least once. Heather had to jump into the pool. She was lucky it had been a warm night.

When I get home I collapse on my bed before looking at the clock and groaning. At least it wasn't 12:30, but I really needed to take a shower before doing anything and going anywhere. I take a hot shower and almost fall asleep twice. Once out I get dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and check my phone.

From Lucy 12.20

Hey can you give me a ride to Mimi's? Everyone else it out and I took it last night so....

From Ruby 12.21

Not a problem, but you owe me

From Lucy 12.22

Fine. As long as it doesn't require setting you up with anyone Dequan

From Ruby 12.23

How about you just stop calling me Dequan. Old joke that needs to go.

From Lucy 12.24

No promises

I groan and head out to the living room. My dad had just gotten home and was out like a light. My mom had just gotten in the shower. I had plenty of time before I had to pick Lucy up.


Lucy and I laugh as we enter Mimi's Cafe. I sit across from Amanda and Heather and Lucy sits next to Juliet.

"What's so funny?" Heather asks.

"Just a stand-up I was quoting." Lucy says. "So who else are we waiting for?"

"Cara, Sarah, Sofia, Isabelle, and Cameron." Juliet says as the waitress comes over.

"Can I get you ladies something to drink?"

We all place our orders, myself needing coffee to actually work properly, and the waitress goes off.

"So what was last night like for you guys who weren't having fun with us?" Lucy asks.

"Fine." Amanda shrugs. "Got to talk to my favorite cousins and hang out with nieces and nephews."

"Nothing too eventful." Juliet says as the waitress comes back with our drinks. "Just went to Sacramento with my mom and saw a movie."

"Why Sac?" Heather asks.

"The theater we went to had an early showing for that new romcom and it was really nice." Juliet says.

"You ladies ready to order?" Our waitress asks.

"Uh not yet." Amanda says turning red at the ears.

"Alright I'll be back in a bit."

"You okay?" I ask Amanda drinking my coffee.

"Yeah." she says quickly. "Oh Heather you said something about the house."

"Oh yeah!" Heather said. "But I'd rather wait until everyone's here."

"No need." Isabelle says sitting next to Lucy. Cameron, Cara, and Sofia all take their seats. "So what about the house?"

"Well it is my aunts so there are a few ground rules. No parties," Heather began. "Also it is by a cliff overlooking the ocean so she'd appreciate if no one tried jumping off said cliff. Oh and try not to break anything."

"Got it." Isabelle says looking at her menu.

"Did you guys order yet?" Cameron asks.

"No, not yet." Lucy says.

"Good." Isabelle says.

The waitress comes back a few minutes later and we all place our orders. When she leaves Sofia gives Isabelle a weird look.

"You alright?" Sofia asks.

"Fine." Isabelle says moving her blonde hair in front of her face.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just saw an ex."

I roll my eyes and notice Amanda looking like she's biting back a comment. I never understood the dynamic between the two of them. Half the time Amanda's complaining about how much of a bitch Isabelle is and the other half she actually looks like she wants to be friends with her. I'd guess it comes from knowing Isabelle since first grade, but Amanda doesn't act like this with Cara or Juliet, both of whom she's known since first grade or longer.

"How about a different topic." Cameron suggests. "Like plans for driving down to the house. By the way Heather where is the house?"

"Santa Cruz." Heather says. "It's about a six hour drive."

"So what time should we leave?" I ask.

"Well the better question is whose cars are we taking?" Amanda says. "I mean I can take the blue truck. So that's five people that can fit in there."

"More of four." Cara says. "I doubt anyone wants to be monkey-in-the-middle."

"Okay so four, including myself in the truck." Amanda says.

"I can take my car." Cameron offers. "It should fit the rest."

"A minivan though?" Isabelle raises an eyebrow.

"Isabelle it's not about looking cool." Sofia says. "Besides Cameron can fit seven in there."

"Six." Cameron corrects. "Like Cara said no one wants to be monkey-in-the-middle."

"So that covers it." Juliet says. "Now who goes with who?"

"I'm fine with whoever." Cameron says.

"Same here." Amanda agrees.

"I'll go with Amanda." Lucy says. "Also I want shotgun so I can control the music."

"Okay that sounded like a term of condition one might find in a contract or when signing up for a website." I say getting a few laughs. "If Lucy's going I might as well go with."

"One spot left." Amanda says.

"I'll take it." Heather says.

"Okay that's it for the truck." Juliet says. "Everyone else fine with going with Cameron?"

The rest of the Group mutters a yes and the waitress brings our food.

"Then it's all settled."Cameorn says. "We can met at my place around noon?"

"I'd rather we leave at ten at the latest." Amanda says. "I know the drive down well and if we get stuck in the two o'clock traffic it'll feel like hell."

"Ten good with everyone?" Cara asks.

We mutter our agreement and I sigh. Packing will suck, but getting up early, even worse.

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