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I don't own any of these characters. Sorry if there are any writing mistakes, but english is not my first language☹️
I'm writing this fanfiction so I can make my obsession go away somehow:))) so I hope you enjoy:)
XoXo,        Gossip Girl

Blair's POV*
"I do", Chuck says and I can't help but smile like an idiot.
"Do you, Blair Waldorf, take Chuck Bass as your husband, for worse and for better...", blah blah blah, I can only focus on my 'husband''s happy face.
"I do", I laugh when the man stops talking.
"You may kiss the bride."
And Chuck let me down on his arm, making me, the whole room and even himself laugh.
We got so often congrated, that it became lame to answer. It was like an obligation and I didn't want to have something with it. It was my own wedding, one I dreamt of without knowing.
"I need some air, brb", I gently touch Chuck's hand and fake smile.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, Chuck, it's the best day of my life", I laugh sincerely and my boyfri-sorry, husband, does the same.
I sprint for some air. In fact, I didn't have a problem or anything, it was just... a lot to take in. I sit on  a chair, glancing at my diamond ring, smiling as a tear rolled down my cheek. 'Common, Blair, you can't cry now', my subconscious was literally yelling at me. I thought about us... a hypothetical family, a child. Damn, Chuck and children, that'll be fun to watch. I chuckle softly at the thought of a kid like him, I mean can you even imagine how many problems I'd have to deal with?
"Blair", I turn around with the smile still plastered on my face, to see Chuck. In fact, I knew it was him, but I wanted him to know that I'm not sad.
His hand rested on my shoulder and I intertwined our fingers.
"What were you thinking about?"
I smile, remembering the mini Chuck Bass version that my imagination created.
"What is it", he laughs and I start laughing so hard.
"Fine, fine, I'll tell you... I was thinking about mini Chuck Bass."
He raises an eyebrow in confusion as I roll my eyes.
"Our child, Chuck. Ugh, you're an idiot.", I playfully punch him and he laughs.
"You already want kids with me... that's gonna take some practice."
I chuckle and sarcastically smile.
"Of course, wanna start now?"
Chuck smirks.
Chuck's POV*
It was almost 7 a.m. when our wedding party ended and Blair was so exhausted.
"Please, Chuck, hold me", she begged and I creeped out.
"Babe, are you ok?"
"Yes, it's just..."
I look at her, worried as she answers:
"My heels are killing me."
I'm trying my best not to laugh, but obviously, Blair notices and punches me in the arm.
"Ok, ok, I got you."
"Chuck what are you do-"
She laughs as I take her in my arms, bridal style and get her in the back of my limo, where she rests her head on my chest.
"Blair?", I whisper but she doesn't reply... a smile escaped my lips as I saw her sleeping figure. When we arrived, I took her bridal style again and layed her on our bed.
"Goodnight, wifey", I kiss her head and I fall asleep too.

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